Changing Gas bottle

I'm rarely on a campsite, but learnt from my tenting days, my washing up takes very little water, maybe half of my small kettle - first I wash the non-greasy things then pour that water into any greasy plates, which I have first wiped with the piece of kitchen roll that I've used as a serviette. The frying pan is non-stick, that just gets a wipe and is re-used, and I do the same as you HC with mugs (maybe not glasses as they are usually used for wine!)
I think we're getting a little :offtopic.
The only accurate way to measure how much gas is left is to weigh the cylinder and do the calculations. However that still leaves the problem of how much gas you need for your trip and that is a variable that only you, the user, can determine. You might end up swopping a cylinder that has enough gas for 3 weeks camping when you're going away for 2 weeks, just to be sure.
You have 2 options, just swap when it gets low and bear the cost of unused gas, or take a spare 901 or 904 that have the same fittings or carry a portable canister cooker.
If you cook outside take the portable if you don't take the spare.

If you use the California all year round then I would take the spare unless the portable cooker can be used in the California.

I only use a barbecue outdoors in the summer so I take a spare because I can't be bothered wasting my time weighing the cylinder.:thumb
No offence, but for me the idea of taking another cooker, larger than the built-in one, comes under the same heading as putting up the sides for the awning...

"Stuff I don't have to do now I'm not in a tent"


We would not go without ;-)

We love to shop fresh food at the local markets, only buying premade stuff if nothing else is available – we just love to cook. And we try to generate as little litter as possible.

We have both a spare 907 bottle, extra cooker, a gas grill/barbeque and spare hoses for both the spare bottle and small cans, all very compact in a box – and versatile. We avoid to fry i.e. fish, bacon, etc. inside the Cali. But then again, sides on the awning also comes handy when weather is windy and cold, or you simply need shade.
Gas1 - Copy.jpg
The big black plastic screw on the top of the bottle is the crucial one. Once that's screwed down (ie clockwise = shut) the only gas that can escape will be a tiny bit in the regulator and the pipes, and you can remove them and then hoik out the bottle (empty or not) with no fear.
Using one of the pictures someone kindly sent a link to, what I need to know is, if I unscrew everything from the top of the bottle leaving it like this, is there a seal to prevent the gas escaping?
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The cylinder comes with a small carrying handle, that also has a rubber seal, to prevent a leak.

You remove the handle and mount the valve (that is part of the California). And reverse when you remove, change the cylinder. Remember to keep the handle.


The Valve comes in different types (as far as i know). Mine - the genuine for Denmark - is a two-stage valve. One to mount on the cylinder, and one mounted in the car. It looks like this.

images-1.jpeg images.jpeg maxresdefault.png

Other have the regular - not sure if it is retrofitted, but it seems a little more of a faf getting the bottle in and out, unless you have done like @briwy and mounted a splitter.


No matter what you have or do. Be sure to handle the gas carefully, no leaks and always turn the gas off on the main valve when not in use …
Notice the seal on the valve for the cylinder. There is a small seal inside the cylinder lock, but it is not enough to seal. So there must always be a seal on whatever enters the cylinder.

Notice there is a rubber seal on the valve, and also on the safety handle. Therefore either one must always be mounted.

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Thanks for all the help everyone!

I've now bought a spare cylinder as it seemed the easiest way to deal with it. Not a 904, a 907 same as the one in the van. So I can swop them when the van one is empty and then the empty can sit in the garage till I need to replace with a full one.
I found getting a good seal on the connection between the regulator and brass tap a little tricky; almost as if it wouldn't tighten properly. Recently was passing Camper Centrum in Amersfoort and amoung their extensive accessories found a little lever that helps massively with doing up this tightly enough. Like so many Cali accessories a bit pricey but really helps... just looked at their online shop and can't see it though, sorry. But does exist.

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Fit a snap connector like this.
Makes it easier to lift the bottle out and the regulator can be removed with the bottle out of the van.

This would invalidate the safety check sticker and theoretically require a new safety check to be fully compliant again.
Some years ago when having a caravan annual check I was given the jubilee clamps, that I had fitted, and told that they had been removed as they were no longer permitted under the then new gas regulations.
I have no further info to hand to quote.
I now leave any factory installed gas system as delivered.
I found getting a good seal on the connection between the regulator and brass tap a little tricky; almost as if it wouldn't tighten properly. Recently was passing Camper Centrum in Amersfoort and amoung their extensive accessories found a little lever that helps massively with doing up this tightly enough. Like so many Cali accessories a bit pricey but really helps... just looked at their online shop and can't see it though, sorry. But does exist.

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I got one of those
Check here....
This would invalidate the safety check sticker and theoretically require a new safety check to be fully compliant again.
Some years ago when having a caravan annual check I was given the jubilee clamps, that I had fitted, and told that they had been removed as they were no longer permitted under the then new gas regulations.
I have no further info to hand to quote.
I now leave any factory installed gas system as delivered.
Gas Safety Check not required in the U.K. Unless hiring the vehicle out. You may have one done if you wish, but like a vehicle MOT only certifies that everything is OK on the day. Much better to use a modicum of common sense and check the system on a regular basis. Connections easily checked by smell or soapy water. Gas taps operating correctly, burners same flame height all around circumference , blue in colour and no soot. Flame failure device working. Regulators fail OFF. You can check the pressure but it will be OK until it fails.

The installation of the Calor Campingaz 907 compatible regulator with a Gas Safe quick release is perfectly safe and compatible with a gas Safety Certificate. It depends on the tubing and type of fitting as to what type of clamps are fitted, wether jubilee or other.

Caravans and Motorhomes have different requirements.
I use a digital balance like this:
very accurate , it holds the reading when it is stable , so you don't have to read it during weighing. Iuse it while the gas bottle stays in place in the cali and without removing the regulator. Only make sure it can move freely of course. Take note off weight when full en see the difference next time.. It is not the abolute measure that counts but the relative measure if you measure it always in same manner.
You can buy it for under 10 euro, takes up no space. Have it always in the cali.
If you had read all my posts, you would see that it's exactly what I have done. However, I still needed to know just how to remove one cylinder and fit the other.

But I don't have a problem with the extra information, it's all useful! :)

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