Cleaning BEACH seats



Hi All,

Only had my new Beach for a couple of weeks now and already the seats are getting rather grubby. I dont want to use any product on it until i know it wont make them worse.

Does anyone know any good solutions out there that will work? and remove the stains.

even water seems to be leaving marks.

We find kids wet wipes to be amazingly effective at cleaning anything and everything. Though we have the alcantara interior which is probably easier to keep clean. A whole mug of Mocha spilt didn't leave a trace....

Highly recommend the Inka covers, which we now put on whilst on camping trips (our Cali is also a daily driver)

Agree with Shambly. We use the Inka covers but have them on all the time as we have 3 collies in the back and htey're not averse to using hte back seat if we nip into the shops or garage. The covers are a good fit, well made and durable. You'd be hard pushed to differentiate them from VW own make and half the proce. Had them just under a year now and they still look good.
...but if you have stains...anyone know how to clean them? I have a small black oil stain on the rear parcel shelf which now has a nice water stain around it after I tried to use a little soap and water on it! :headbang :headbang

Surely these Cali's must get dirty BEFORE one manage to get covers on? I am keen to get the Brandup ones asap as I like that colour way of the origanl anthracite, but trying to sell the idea of spending over 600 quid on carseat covers AFTER spending 52 000 Euros on the Cali is not an easy sell to the Wife! :cry: :cry:

Maybe folk buy the covers later to cover up all the stains on the original seats! :lol: :lol:

Ideas on a postcard please to....


Yep that's me, I got the INKA covers AFTER I managed to stain the rear mattress must be a man thing!
I've got the same concern. It's a shame the Beach interior is a light colour - I'd have preferred something dark.

I can't bring myself to fit seat covers because (a) the price and (b) they don't exactly look great in the photos I've seen. I've never fitted seat covers to a car yet - you'd think VW could make a van with upholstery that was durable and stain resistant. Like I said at the start, I think the colour choice on the Beach is dubious.

We've had good success using foam carpet shampoo so far - doesn't get the upholstery too wet but has shifted all stains so far.

Good luck with your stain removal.
Custardtart said:
I've got the same concern. It's a shame the Beach interior is a light colour - I'd have preferred something dark.

I can't bring myself to fit seat covers because (a) the price and (b) they don't exactly look great in the photos I've seen. I've never fitted seat covers to a car yet - you'd think VW could make a van with upholstery that was durable and stain resistant. Like I said at the start, I think the colour choice on the Beach is dubious.

We've had good success using foam carpet shampoo so far - doesn't get the upholstery too wet but has shifted all stains so far.

Good luck with your stain removal.
What's the process exactly with cleaning with a foam?
Our seats desperately need a clean but i worry about making them worse with water staining or leaving loads of soap behind

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Sorry for very late reply - don't know why I missed your post.

We just have a plastic bottle with water/carpet cleaner mix in it.

You shake the bottle to make lots of foam and squeeze the foam out onto the stain. Scrub a bit with a clean dishcloth and usually the stain is gone. It avoids getting the upholstery too wet.

VW California Club
