Collective noun for Calis

A fine collection

A posse

A pride

An ostentation (apparently what a group of peacocks is known as, who knew)
Any thoughts for a collective noun for calis? Or is there one already? I came across a number of Calis in my recent trip to the Western Isles and sometimes we were in the majority on a camp site - wondered what we should have been called.
Thanks for all the suggestions - my personal choice of rthose offered would be a constellation because they are stars!
A bevy of Calis, seeing as so much alcohol gets carried aboard. ;)
Any thoughts for a collective noun for calis? Or is there one already? I came across a number of Calis in my recent trip to the Western Isles and sometimes we were in the majority on a camp site - wondered what we should have been called.
A Sahara of Oceans

Californias Dreaming
Mrs B has just suggested a Urethra of Calis?


:Nailbiting Oh sorry, it was a Euphoria of Calis.

She's also suggested a Conviviality of Calis or a Caliberation! (Cali/liberation). Do you see what she did there?
This is Borris's wife..... (Paddy)
Concaliberation would be more appropriate for a gathering, as Caliberation (my new word, first coined at 12.05pm Saturday 12th October 2019) applies to a single Cali and the liberation it gives you...
This is Borris's wife..... (Paddy)
Concaliberation would be more appropriate for a gathering, as Caliberation (my new word, first coined at 12.05pm Saturday 12th October 2019) applies to a single Cali and the liberation it gives you...
Latest suggestion, thought upon Sunday morning, is a resplendence of Cali's. Or, following Borris's one .................
a "Resplendent Smugness" of Cali's.

VW California Club
