Comfort insurance and NCB



VIP Member
T6 Ocean 150
When I took out insurance with Comfort 6 months ago they said they weren't bothered about No Claims Bonus, so didn't think anymore about it, but now wondering if I can go back and get this recorded with them an continue to accumulate NCB as I may at some point get another car.

Anyone done this?
They will automatically give you your bonus earn’t at the end of year. I’ve have been with them for 4 years and always find them helpful when you call them.
Hope this helps.
Just wondering if I could retrospectively add in the previous NCB I had before? Will call them tomorrow
I added mine retrospectively, so there was an ongoing record. No problem and they confirmed it had been done by email.
When I took out insurance with Comfort 6 months ago they said they weren't bothered about No Claims Bonus, so didn't think anymore about it, but now wondering if I can go back and get this recorded with them an continue to accumulate NCB as I may at some point get another car.

Anyone done this?
Don’t forget NCB can only apply to 1 Vehicle. So, if you buy a car in addition to the California and the NCB has been assigned to the California the car may have No NCB.
You'll need to double check with them as maybe your policy is a non NCB rated scheme that doesn't use NCB. Most of these types of schemes will normally allow you to keep NCB up to date however you won't earn any additional years.
4 year old thread resurrection - Sorry !
Insurance renewal time with Comfort and I have concerns about staying with them because of the NCB situation. The policy is "Zero rated" I think that is the terminology - So they don't care how much NCB you have. At policy inception time this time last year they asked me to send in my proof of NCB from the previous insurer (Directline) and that they would keep it on file, which I did.
It only later dawned on me that I was unable to protect my 9 years NCB, like I would normally (Back in car ownership days) as the NCB wasn't being used on this policy. So a risk that any Cali claim would reduce / remove any use of NCB in the future.

Had a "Campervan" quote from LV which is comparable in price, but conscious of all the caveats around it that have been discussed here at length, together with the fact that despite requesting a "campervan" quote online, all the resulting documents talk about "Car Insurance" which doesn't instill confidence. I will have to call them to get some proper reassurances - As it just looks like any other car policy to me.

If I renew with Comfort, conscious that it will be another year without being able to protect the NCB and the fact that most insurers won't accept NCB that is more than 24 months old, so this time next year any future insurer could be telling me that it has expired.

I just wish the Comfort policy wasn't "Zero rated" and that you could use & protect your NCB just like normal car insurance.

Anyone's thoughts ?

LV customers - Is that right that all the downloadable docs say "Car insurance" despite me requesting a quote from their dedicated "campervan" website?

Thanks in advance
4 year old thread resurrection - Sorry !
Insurance renewal time with Comfort and I have concerns about staying with them because of the NCB situation. The policy is "Zero rated" I think that is the terminology - So they don't care how much NCB you have. At policy inception time this time last year they asked me to send in my proof of NCB from the previous insurer (Directline) and that they would keep it on file, which I did.
It only later dawned on me that I was unable to protect my 9 years NCB, like I would normally (Back in car ownership days) as the NCB wasn't being used on this policy. So a risk that any Cali claim would reduce / remove any use of NCB in the future.

Had a "Campervan" quote from LV which is comparable in price, but conscious of all the caveats around it that have been discussed here at length, together with the fact that despite requesting a "campervan" quote online, all the resulting documents talk about "Car Insurance" which doesn't instill confidence. I will have to call them to get some proper reassurances - As it just looks like any other car policy to me.

If I renew with Comfort, conscious that it will be another year without being able to protect the NCB and the fact that most insurers won't accept NCB that is more than 24 months old, so this time next year any future insurer could be telling me that it has expired.

I just wish the Comfort policy wasn't "Zero rated" and that you could use & protect your NCB just like normal car insurance.

Anyone's thoughts ?

LV customers - Is that right that all the downloadable docs say "Car insurance" despite me requesting a quote from their dedicated "campervan" website?

Thanks in advance
4 year old thread resurrection - Sorry !
Insurance renewal time with Comfort and I have concerns about staying with them because of the NCB situation. The policy is "Zero rated" I think that is the terminology - So they don't care how much NCB you have. At policy inception time this time last year they asked me to send in my proof of NCB from the previous insurer (Directline) and that they would keep it on file, which I did.
It only later dawned on me that I was unable to protect my 9 years NCB, like I would normally (Back in car ownership days) as the NCB wasn't being used on this policy. So a risk that any Cali claim would reduce / remove any use of NCB in the future.

Had a "Campervan" quote from LV which is comparable in price, but conscious of all the caveats around it that have been discussed here at length, together with the fact that despite requesting a "campervan" quote online, all the resulting documents talk about "Car Insurance" which doesn't instill confidence. I will have to call them to get some proper reassurances - As it just looks like any other car policy to me.

If I renew with Comfort, conscious that it will be another year without being able to protect the NCB and the fact that most insurers won't accept NCB that is more than 24 months old, so this time next year any future insurer could be telling me that it has expired.

I just wish the Comfort policy wasn't "Zero rated" and that you could use & protect your NCB just like normal car insurance.

Anyone's thoughts ?

LV customers - Is that right that all the downloadable docs say "Car insurance" despite me requesting a quote from their dedicated "campervan" website?

Thanks in advance
It's not clear what would happen to your no claims if you have an accident, but I did phone and ask how it is dealt with if you don't have an accident. They said, and hopefully it's true that they keep it on record and will provide it back as proof of no claims if you leave, but you can't build it up with them and it doesn't affect price. I didn't think to ask what happens if you have an accident though.

I don't think NCB is quite as important as it used to be, especially with standard car insurance. The compare websites don't seem to affect price by anything like the % discount that the NCB is supposed to be worth if you quote with and without. Full NCB used to be about 60%, one year was 25%, but quoting with and without doesn't get anywhere close to that level.

That said it does make a saving and I am hoping they really do retain my NCB discount for me
Sent a quick email to comfort asking if the above policy was still current. Got a reply this morning saying that is.
Renewed for another year, feeling a lot happier about the situation now.
Thanks again @WelshGas
Got a very competitive quote from Comfort today, however NCB was a concern, so thanks for the link to explanation document @WelshGas, they also have a 48 hour unattended rule, but this is likely to be less of a concern for me.

Overall how to people rate Comfort, Caravan Guard next best quote, with CAMC third, so will be moving away from LV this year after 2 years as potential to save £200 if I go with Comfort.
We have recently sold our Cali, as we have a larger van on order. When Cofort sent me the NCB certificate at the end of the insurance, it was 1 year less than I expected. After a long discussion with them, they came back to say that their computer system automatically deducts a year if you have a glass claim (although this shouldn't impact your NCB) and that they have to manually add the year back in. It was all sorted and then sent me a new certificate, but if you have had a glass claim it's worth checking the certificate they issue if you leave Comfort.

VW California Club
