I have read all your symptoms and presumptions this is Covid 19!
Lets be clear, at this time of year there is always flu about. It has been killing about 8 -14 per week IN HOSPITAL, but community deaths not recorded and this is a very minor year. In a bad influenza years such as 2009-10 (47000 excess deaths) 2015 (43000 excess deaths) Excess deaths are the accurate way of assessing infective deats as they show all deaths, community and hospital and you don't need to be tested as the disease is obvious and epidemic/pandemic. These are NOT my figures but the governments Office of National Statistics
see below:
Office for national statistics/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/articles/highestnumberofexcesswinterdeathssince19992000/2015-11-25.
A total of 4,794 hospitalised confirmed influenza admissions (234 influenza A(H1N1)pdm09, 1,473 influenza A(H3N2), 2,782 influenza A(not subtyped), and 305 influenza B) have been reported in England since week 40 2019 via the sentinel scheme.
So far this year just under 100 HOSPITAL and
tested deaths this winter. How many community deaths from elderly not admitted and no-one tests for flu unless admitted to hospital?
There are 3 viruses that make up the coryza group (cold) Rhinoviruses 60-80%, Adenoviruses 20-30% and Coronavirus about 10%. They are not NEW viruses they were discovered in 1964 and guess what! that was the year the electron microscope was available for use. They are a very old group. They are RNA type just like foot and mouth and that has a well documented 4 century history.
On the 18th October 2019 a conference, paid for at Bill Gates a great Globalist believer (New World Order/ Global government qv) ran EVENT 201, please look this up on the internet because they ran a scenario of an agressive strain of Corona which caused a world pandemic and a predicted 65 million deaths. Odd that, I would have gone for an influenza group as the last few decades have only seen antigenic drift to the flu bug and not an antigenic change which is well overdue (Spanish flu 1919 up to 600 million worldwide (no antibiotics then for the seconday bacteria which caused the deaths by pneumonia which killed them) Hong Kong flu etc.
Even more surprisingly they chose the least likely cold virus!!! If you look up EVENT 21 you will see we are all following the recommendations like 'sheeple'.
The Diamond Princess was a great virology experiment (the cruise ship held off the Japanes coast in quarantine after a passenger infected the whole ship) Get 3600 people in a confined space and infect them all then test them. Results were 60% had tested positive and never knew thay had had it, 20% had minimal symptoms like a runny nose and sore throat the other 20% had more severe symptoms like flu. 7 Deaths occured but take into account the age and underlying health conditions plus the Japanese only allowed the sick to hospital on shoreside at a very late date and this is unremarkable (cruise ships because of the age of the passengers often experience 2 deaths per trip.
The British Brainwashing Corporation and Fox media etc all run the same propaganda to put fear into sheeple to get them into civil obedience. 7am Radio 4 news yesterday said Trump says 'Americans have to go back to work', immiediately the BBC followed this and said the first doctor had died of Corona (I looked him up on the GMC website as they named him, he was 76 and had no licence to practice ie totally irrelevant as not caught through working). They had a voxpop with a female GP in south London who (VERY VERY breathlessly) said she BELIEVED she had covid 19 from working with patients and was self isolating. If I was breathless at rest and could have problem talking I would be in hospital as at least 60% of my lung function had been lost.
Why, then, all this 'scam' of a world armagedon virus, figures telling you how many people have tested positive (something which does not occur ourside of hospital with flu) Remember the Diamond Princess percentagesand relevance of positivity to disease severity!!
Remember the virus cannot live outside a host for more the 12-16hours, kill the host and it dies. Ideal state, like most viruses, have a carrier state, host well and passing it on. eg Herpes group, Hepatitis HIV etc etc.
The benefactors of a world economy shut down are the CENTRAL BANKS who will lend the money to Governments. 2 trillion$ to the US , UK likely to be many billions etc. We will have a 10 year recession 10% unemployment and have to have increased taxes/NI to pay the central banks. NOW LOOK UP WHO OWNS THE CENTRAL BANKS.
Wake up, how many people do you know that are seriously ill, so infectiou Prince Charles hasn't infected his wife!! and he is battling the disease (fully dressed waving at a window) try that with the flu!!!
I am not a paranoid schizophrenic, conspiracy advocate etc just a retired consultant in the medical profession, no qualification then?
I have worked through many a flu pandemic in 40+ years and this one is a farce