Mike Frost
2009 130 T5 SE - "BARBARA ANN"
VIP Member
Did you follow the previous procedures as in the video? Or was this done while everything else was in place.
I followed the video up to the point where Nick (he hasn't called me back, btw) had removed the lower assembly, and was introducing red plastic card to release the side tags/clips. His technique, on the face of it, is flawed, as the Control Unit is then tipped up in it's housing, making the top clips probably hard up against the frame of the mount.
By leaving the CU in place, but freeing the side clips by inserting compression outside each one, in my case by cutting up an old loyalty card, left the CU free to move, once the top clips have been overcome. By keeping the CU level in the housing, my then introducing pressure from above and behind, the CU was then tipped down slightly, with added pressure from the metal stirrers, making it likely to clear the top retaining clips - they don't protrude up very far - which worked, thankfully. Good luck!