Control Panel - VW Repair Kit available!



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A little story. Had my service done at the beginning of December. During the inspection the Dealer noted a noisy electric motor in he N/S Wing Mirror. They wanted to change it under warranty but had to order the part. So was booked in for today. Over the weekend however, whilst camping up north I noted the Control Panel control knob wouldn't scroll through the menu so I was reluctant to use the roof in case I couldn't put it down. Phoned Dealership on Monday and informed them so they could check it out today and also told them we would be camping over Christmas so wanted it fixed if possible.
Arrived at Dealership today. They had ordered the Control Unit but obviously had to check the old unit first. They fixed the wing mirror and then hit a problem. The Control Panel was faulty but VW would not authorise a replacement but to use the new VW Repair kit , which apparently costs £500 ( so heaven knows what it repairs ), but this was on back order with no supply date. The Service Manager was very good but had hit a brick wall with VWCS who just kept repeating that I was mobile so I could wait for the Repair Kit, despite being told I was camping over the holidays. So then I asked could I speak to them. We got through, same story same reply. Eventually I said - You don't believe me do you. The reply was as expected. I'm sure you would like a new unit but!!!!. So then the piece de resistance. I am now going to forward copies of my email receipts for the Caravan Club Booking, National Opera tickets, theatre tickets etc. and that you will see the amount I will be claiming from VW will be substantially greater than the price differential between the Control Panel Repair Kit and a New Unit. I might be mobile but the California is a Camper and although mobile I cannot Camp.
I cup of coffee later the Dealership had authorisation from VW Germany to fit a new Unit.
So BEWARE, VW are going to repair these units in future, although what the repair kit covers neither me nor the Service Manager have any information as it is a new kit.
Anyway, all sorted for Christmas.
Nice one :)

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Good support from the dealers there WelshGas

Definitely. They already have a thread so I have put a link to this post there.
When I showed him the Forum Shop Control Panel Knob for less than £25, and what the problem was he said he might order a few for the Out of Warranty customers who have this problem.

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