VIP Member
The plot thickens!
So, in summary, my understanding of the equation is:
If you haven't been able to strike a good deal locally + you want to use DTD + you have cash + you want to work the system to get a deal + you take £1500 on HP + settle up early + pay the £169 + £79 penalties + the dealership involved can be persuaded that this is all inside policy = 2 free services and £750 deposit saving thingy.
So, in summary, my understanding of the equation is:
If you haven't been able to strike a good deal locally + you want to use DTD + you have cash + you want to work the system to get a deal + you take £1500 on HP + settle up early + pay the £169 + £79 penalties + the dealership involved can be persuaded that this is all inside policy = 2 free services and £750 deposit saving thingy.