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Driving back from Germany to UK - quarantine question

But how do you do toilets without mixing with other people?

Portapotti / bottle / crossed legs etc!
If you're travelling by Eurotunnel, I would suggest you're fine as long as you don't get out of the car/go into the terminal building as their advice is, and has been to stay inside your car at all time.

I wonder if you'd be OK on a Ferry also, as although you have to get out of the car on the boat, technically once through passport control you are on 'British' soil?
If you're on a boat you're not on "soil" you're in "waters". I don't know the location where you go from French waters to British but it won't be at the point of the French docks.
If you're on a boat you're not on "soil" you're in "waters". I don't know the location where you go from French waters to British but it won't be at the point of the French docks.

The way I was reading about 'Juxtaposed Controls' on the UK/France border led me to assume that you are treated as though you're on british sovereign territory once you've passed the UK passport check in France.
If you make it to the ferry, no matter what country you consider yourself to be in, you're still mixing with people who have been in France/Spain or wherevs and you could be picking up the virus. IMHO you shouldn't be trying to dodge quarantine just because you didn't stop for a wee on the way there. Eurotunnel maybe different but there will still be wallies who exit their vehicles.

It would be simpler if they just said anyone returning to the UK by channel ferry or Eurotunnel needs to go into quarantine.
I guess the whole "Is a wee stop a visit?" debate etc makes a change from "Is a California a campervan or a motor caravan or an MPV" conundrum. (Not to mention "Is a chicken run an essential journey?").

If you're on a boat you're not on "soil" you're in "waters". I don't know the location where you go from French waters to British but it won't be at the point of the French docks.

I’d be very surprised if being on a ferry departing a French port for England does not count as a transit stop.

“A transit stop is a stop where passengers can get on or off. It can apply to coaches, ferries, trains or flights. Your ticket should show if a stop is a transit stop.”

A private yacht stopping at a French port with no one getting on or off would be fine.

A cross channel ferry stopping at a French port where people get on and off would not, in my opinion, be fine.
Incorrect question. Should be, “Is a chicken run a reasonable excuse for a journey?”

I stand corrected, thanks. Although we are now beyond reasonable excuses as the PM has said the govt will be "ruthless" on the quarantine requirements.

(Sorry, I know, I know, bad VD, off to Three Cocks)
Adding to the discussion. I agree on the quick stops advice, but important to note that if you are in Germany Or the UK and choose to then enter Belgium and/or France, the FCO advice is it is not safe and they list the countries as unsafe, therefore your travel insurance (not car insurance) is no longer valid unless you specifically bought a policy valid in FCO advised countries.
Take care, drive safe.
Adding to the discussion. I agree on the quick stops advice, but important to note that if you are in Germany Or the UK and choose to then enter Belgium and/or France, the FCO advice is it is not safe and they list the countries as unsafe, therefore your travel insurance (not car insurance) is no longer valid unless you specifically bought a policy valid in FCO advised countries.
Take care, drive safe.

yes that is my reading of the situation too.
Personally I would be ok risking 4hrs in a country without travel insurance especially at present when our E111 /EHIC cards still valid.
Netherlands / Belgium and France will all require 14 days quarantine on arrival in UK from Sat 15th 04:00hrs.

So after this...If returning from Germany, without stopping in any of these countries - is quarantine still required in UK?

Clearly it would be essential to stop at the Eurotunnel / Ferry port (which is France / Belgium / Netherlands), but no need to get out.

Perhaps there may be a difference even between Eurotunnel (stay in car/van) to overnight ferry (e.g from Hook of Holland).

I can't find official advice as yet but it's only been a few hours since the announcement.

This what I got last night but how do you prove weather or not you stopped and what you did when you stopped.
Private vehicles

You don’t need to self-isolate if you travel through a non-exempt country and you don’t stop in the country.
If you do make a stop, you don’t need to self-isolate if:

no new people get into the vehicle

no-one in the vehicle gets out, mixes with other people, and gets in again

You do need to self-isolate if you make a stop and:

new people get into the vehicle, or

someone gets out of the vehicle, mixes with other people and gets in again
Happy days dogs dinners on the menu again
Got back from Spain last night, all french aires an the autoroute were like a usual August weekend ie 100% rammed, queues to find a parking space, massive queues for fuel, huge queues for ladies toilets.
A total contrast to our trip down a month earlier where we were one of only three cars at Millau services mid morning.
That was until we got north of Paris, 8pm and only literally a handful of cars to be seen between Paris and Calais.
I assume journeys to check eyesight are exempt.
As ever a political sledgehammer to crack a scientifically unsound nut.
Whats does ‘mix’ with others mean? It surely can only mean less than 2M socially distanced for more than 15 minutes without other measures, that is the only guidance I can find.
Well I have abandoned my attempt to go to mainland Europe ☹️

changed the ferry bookings to October when everything will be back to normal
Well I have abandoned my attempt to go to mainland Europe ☹️

changed the ferry bookings to October when everything will be back to normal
Back to normal is what you hope, I doubt it. Hintergarten will be the best option I guess :)
Well I have abandoned my attempt to go to mainland Europe

changed the ferry bookings to October when everything will be back to normal

We’ve abandoned plans to camp in France for the last two weeks of August. We hadn’t booked anything, but have six single pre-paid tickets for Eurotunnel to use before June 2021.

We are close enough to Folkestone for a day trip, but Friday night to Sunday night would be better. There is still a possibility of a week’s holiday at Autumn half term and again next May.
where will you go instead?

Currently sitting in the van with our two boys at Folkestone watching migrants land on the beach.

I think we will be having day trips and the occasional overnight. For the second week we might be able to return to Emsworth where my parents have a second home, and I’ve already spent three weeks with the boys sailing while Clare has commuted weekly.

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