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Electric hookup indicator on T6?



VIP Member
Winchester, Hampshire, UK
T6 Beach 150
Hi all,

**apologies for double post - wifi terrible and can't see how to move post to another thread**

I've just plugged my Beach into our socket at home to charge the leisure batteries ready for a trip and I was expecting to see some kind of indication that the batteries are charging - however I can't for the life of me see anything?The handbook talks about an indicator on the control panel but this only applies to the Ocean doesn't it? Is there an indicator for the Beach?

I've tested the 3 pin socket behind the passenger seat and that works when the hookup is plugged in (and doesn't when not plugged in) so I know the power is at least getting through to that. How do I know that the leisure battery is being charged and should I see an indicator on the dash or somewhere else to indicate that the hookup is receiving power?


Well we also have a new Beach and if there is some form of charging indicator then I haven't found it either. As everyone needs to know the state of their leisure battery this is, IMO, a disappointing omission by VW.
I have decided to buy one of those gadgets that you plug into the 12v socket and it then gives you a voltage read out and an indication of the state of your battery. The one I am going to order has both the read out in volts and three LEDs, green for every thing is peachy, amber and red for knackered.
I forgot to mention that SimonB demonstrated one of these gadgets to me recently on our SE and it was interesting to see where the power is coming from.
The gadget showed that oddly the 12 v socket on top of the dash board is supplied from the leisure battery whereas the one in the ash tray comes from the vehicle battery. The 12v socket on the end of the work top also comes from the vehicle battery whilst the difficult to get at socket near the sliding door and the one in the boot come from the leisure battery. I would imagine that it is the same on the Beach
So be careful what you plug in and where otherwise you might not be able to start your Cali when you need to.
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I forgot to mention that SimonB demonstrated one of these gadgets to me recently on our SE and it was interesting to see where the power is coming from.
The gadget showed that oddly the 12 v socket on top of the dash board is supplied from the leisure battery whereas the one in the ash tray comes from the vehicle battery. The 12v socket on the end of the work top also comes from the vehicle battery whilst the difficult to get at socket near the sliding door and the one in the boot come from the leisure battery. I would image that it is the same on the Beach
So be careful what you plug in and where otherwise you might not be able to start your Cali when you need to.
The 12v socket on the Kitchen unit should definitely be powered from the Leisure Battery as the wiring loom used comes from the fusebox under the front passenger seat to serve the 12v socket, inverter, water system and fridge.
The 12v socket on the Kitchen unit should definitely be powered from the Leisure Battery as the wiring loom used comes from the fusebox under the front passenger seat to serve the 12v socket, inverter, water system and fridge.
Yes I agree, this socket should be powered from the leisure batteries however this voltage tester indicated otherwise. SimonB has had his kitchen unit 12v socket re-wired to run off of the leisure batteries. I am just wondering why VW appear to have done this on some vehicles? Is it by design or mistake?
IMO it would make complete sense to have all sockets behind the front seats powered from the leisure batteries and those in front from the vehicle battery. In fact until we used this tester, I had assumed that this was the case.
Thanks guys. Disappointing to hear that there isn't even a light on the dash to indicate the Electric hookup is receiving power!

I'll have a look at one of those gadgets as you suggest Borris. How did the one that SimonB demonstrated work? How did it tell you which battery the power was coming from?


Thanks guys. Disappointing to hear that there isn't even a light on the dash to indicate the Electric hookup is receiving power!

I'll have a look at one of those gadgets as you suggest Borris. How did the one that SimonB demonstrated work? How did it tell you which battery the power was coming from?


It has a digital read out that tells you the voltage. By plugging it into all the various sockets you will find that there will be two different readings from the vehicle and the leisure batteries. These readings indicate which battery is providing the power. It also has the three coloured LEDs previously mentioned to tell you the state of the battery.
Don't know about the T6 but the T5 has a little plug symbol in the camping control unit when on hook up. There is also the option to show the battery voltage there as well.
Don't know about the T6 but the T5 has a little plug symbol in the camping control unit when on hook up. There is also the option to show the battery voltage there as well.
But not on the Beach, unfortunately.
How is the heater on a Beach controlled ?
Could someone post some photos please.
Just had our first trip in our T6 beach and was thinking how I can keep an eye on what the battery's were doing.
Can you recommend a battery monitor
Was looking at on of these
NASA Clipper Battery Monitor BM-1 12V
But not sure it would be fit for purpose and where to fit it. Think one of the plug in type might be better
Was looking at on of these
NASA Clipper Battery Monitor BM-1 12V
But not sure it would be fit for purpose and where to fit it. Think one of the plug in type might be better
I used one on my portable powerpack see it here;

It works by installing a shunt between the battery negative terminal and the negative lead to the battery and measures and records current flow in each direction.
Just wondering if anyone has fitted a Nasa BM-1 or similar to a Beach. We have the plug in volt meter, well several actually - all different readings, but no real indication of charging/discharging, which leaves us a little unsure of what is going on.
I was considering the Bluetooth version, to minimise the need to feed the wires to the panel.
Any thoughts?

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