Electric Side Door No Longer Working



Hi All,

I made the stupid mistake of trying to close the electric side door on our 2010 T5 California, whilst there was electricity wire in the way... somehow it managed to close but you hear the motor etc. really struggling. I tried to stop it and reopen it, but the door wouldn't reopen fully and when i inspected it there was a cable hanging out the bottom of the door runners.

I took it our local VW garage in Germany and they rang me today to let me know that the door cable needs to be replaced, but to do it they need to take the door to pieces and the half of the back of the van apart, so there's lots of work to be done and they have quoted around €800 for it. Also, it may need a new motor which would add another €300 on the top. Or I can just get them to make into a manual door for around €350.

Has anyone got any experience of this? Is a reasonable quote etc? Any help would be appreciated.


I'd suggest that if they can make it a proper manual door (with close assist) then this would be be a better option.

I've never been a fan of the electric door however.

Good luck whatever route you choose.

our van has electric doors. all they need to do is remove the internal panel from the door and the rear quarter panel internal trim. including removing the rear seat and multiflex board this should take 2 competent mechanics around 20 mins max. to remove and refit the motor around 1 hour for 1 man or to make a cable repair around 15 mins for one man. to refit the seat and the put the panels back in properly I would say about 30 / 45 mins for 2 men. So..... in summary if it is just a cable replacement then 800 seems pretty expencieve to me.

VW California Club
