David Eccles

David Eccles

VIP Member
Please note I boobed big time in daily production numbers in my account of a visit to the Cali factory - luckily it has not yet gone into print in the magazine!
Daily production is around 35 not 8!!!
I saw a sign on the line but did not read it properly and was so busy taking pics did not listen to that bit either... :headwall what I saw referred to 8 completed thus of the target of 17 on that particluar section for that shift.
Also roofs come from a supplier not Hannover factory.
A more detailed account of the visit and pictures will be in next Camper and Commercial magazine out in mid June.
(note to self: buy a dictaphone dont rely on an old brain's memory cells)
:D Based on the earlier info we've been going around telling friends that our forthcoming Cali is only one of 8 a day and they've been mighty impressed!

Still quite a small number though - I wonder how many of these 35 will be RHD?
Can't wait to see the feature! :grin:

without a memo it's really hard to keep all that information well sorted that you get
once you've had the chance to visit the Hannover California production in that so
called "Brinkmannhalle" in Hannover Limmer.

Concerning numbers ...

Volkswagen produced arround 6.600 Californias in 2011, well above 7.000 is what the
Autovision guys are targeting at for 2012.

More than 30.000 California T5 have been sold since 2004. 40.000 sold California
campers will most likely be reached by somewhere mid 2012.


all of those 35-45/day, 7.000++/year produced California campers are
factory build with pop-up roof. Approximately 3.000 leave the manu-
facturing line as California Beach, the rest is born as California with
build in furniture ...


Don't mind, but 35 a day still is a very exclusive number.

Remember ... it very much is on the Bentley production
level of 2011 ...

ahhhh..never thought of sound record on mobile! must be an age thing!!!!
but I doubt my mobile could cope with an hour sound recording.... :eek:

VW California Club
