Engine oil, strange wet white waxy substance



T6 Ocean 204 4Motion
I just checked my oil, level is fine, and it has done its first 1500 miles so no oil change as yet.
Upon opening the oil filler cap that the tube appears to be full of a white moist substance, visually it looks like wax, but upon touching it turns to what appears to be water, I've never seen or heard of this before, anyone else noticed this, or heard of it before? If I had to guess i would think of some water contamination mixing with oil to make a white 'froth' in the filler tube?

No additives etc have been added to the engine, and there is nothing else of note about the running of the engine. VW are taking it in next week to have a tow bar fitted so I may ask them to check it out - and maybe change the oil for me... and change my bulbs (got some new brighter ones as the originals are dim), even with my slim wrists there is zero chance of me getting the side light bulbs out!
That needs looking into. If you oil is contaminated you risk damaging your engine.
I'm sure that @Loz posted something in the downloads section about this from VW. You need to be a VIP member to view/download.

If you go to VW they will probably tell you that its not a problem, the neck does not get hot enough to evaporate the water. It leaves a white waxy substance.

VIP members read TSB OIL in Technical Guides and thank @Loz for posting !
..m e..
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Yes there is a briefing in the downloads.
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Apparently it's OK and just moisture in the filler neck, but given that it used to be the sign of a knackered engine I can imagine it must be scary to see!
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thanks for the rapid replies, I've read Loz's post, describes everything perfectly and all is fine and dandy . I can sleep well in the car park of the old red lion tonight!

many thanks!
Emulsified oil.
Take it for a blast. Flat out.
If there are signs of it on the dipstick then it needs investigating.
Are you doing short runs?
Just returned from 3700 mile trip round Europe and checked oil - This photo shows a sparkly clean oil filler pipe. Obviously engine had a good workout!! ;)Europe17_0367.JPG
I was initially worried but yes it seems its common on the T6.

It's if that stuff is in your engine water that you need to worry as that would suggest that your oil and water are mixing. If the water tank is clear, you should be good.
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