Not quit correct
@MarkVw2017 . In Wales we were given a Referendum that gave a majority, a very small majority for a form of governmental independence . It was accepted by the UK Government and so instituted. I accepted the result as it was OUR form of Democracy in action.
On the EU Referendum we were given a similar choice with a larger majority for Leave. The referendum was not carried out on a regional basis or a constituency basis but on an ALL UK basis.
MPs are appointed to carry out the will of the UK population.
The People have spoken, as they did in Wales, and now the MPs should carry out the will of the people, and should ignore their own feelings, their constituency and any other bodies with vested interests and concentrate on fulfilling the wishes of the UK Population.
Whether you agree or not with the terms, the way it was run etc: of the Referendum is a matter for the future, just as proportional representation is a matter for the future. This is the here and now.
ALL MPs should be fully committed to fulfilling the Referendum Result with the best deal that can be negotiated.