Retired after 42 yrs and enjoying Life.
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we are in Australia visiting Nos 5 child and wife. Excellent Christmas and New Year, very different to home.
we then planned to drive to Canberra for a few days and then to a Campsite on Jarvis Bay. Had been keeping upto date with the news and traffic details. All the roads we were to be travelling were clear so off we set.
Canberra is about 200 miles. 1/3 of the way it began to get a bit hazy and this progressed until arriving at Canberra visibility was less than 100’ and all the vehicles had full headlights on. Arrived at hotel and popped out for a coffee. Then we got the email that the Campsite was closing and being evacuated. Then the news, a State of Emergency has been declared and all tourists and anyone else should leave before Friday as it was anticipated that the main roads could be closed/damaged etc: and could take some days/weeks before they reopened.
Hotel very good and gave a full refund and the Campsite, which we really want to visit, has rescheduled our booking for our next visit.
As, some have said, the fires are bad this year but the affected areas will be safer next year.
So back in the car and back to Sydney with much more traffic fleeing the area.
Champagne Breakfast Cruise on Sunday to compensate.
We saw some evidence of previous Bush Fires on our way to Canberra. With the older fires it is amazing how quickly the green returns on the blackened trunks and branches. I just hope the weekend is not as bad as forecast. Rain is due on Monday according to all the forecasts. It will be welcomed.
we then planned to drive to Canberra for a few days and then to a Campsite on Jarvis Bay. Had been keeping upto date with the news and traffic details. All the roads we were to be travelling were clear so off we set.
Canberra is about 200 miles. 1/3 of the way it began to get a bit hazy and this progressed until arriving at Canberra visibility was less than 100’ and all the vehicles had full headlights on. Arrived at hotel and popped out for a coffee. Then we got the email that the Campsite was closing and being evacuated. Then the news, a State of Emergency has been declared and all tourists and anyone else should leave before Friday as it was anticipated that the main roads could be closed/damaged etc: and could take some days/weeks before they reopened.
Hotel very good and gave a full refund and the Campsite, which we really want to visit, has rescheduled our booking for our next visit.
As, some have said, the fires are bad this year but the affected areas will be safer next year.
So back in the car and back to Sydney with much more traffic fleeing the area.
Champagne Breakfast Cruise on Sunday to compensate.
We saw some evidence of previous Bush Fires on our way to Canberra. With the older fires it is amazing how quickly the green returns on the blackened trunks and branches. I just hope the weekend is not as bad as forecast. Rain is due on Monday according to all the forecasts. It will be welcomed.