VIP Member
Mine was initially booked into a body shop in Kent but I refused point blank to let it go there after I read their awful reviews. They relented and offered Marshalls of Newbury instead.I phoned Coventry Listers Van Centre Tuesday (17th ) and VWCS to restart the ball rolling following the issues above.
Coventry said they would call back shortly. Never did.
VWCS replied within 24hrs and I’ve had 3 telephone conversations with them and two emails.
I am awaiting Coventry Listers Van Centre to arrange the booking with the bodyshop and sort a replacement vehicle. Incredibly VWCS have spoken to them 4 times and I have been copied into an email with the instruction to do this from VWCS.
Coventry van Centre just don’t seem interested...!!!
Quite possibly one of the worst aftercare service departments I’ve ever come across. Had similar experience with them many many years ago and vowed never to use them again. Unfortunately, it was the only place local that was dealing with the roof issue.
I would never buy a vehicle from Coventry, purely on principle...
Distance shouldn’t be the overriding factor but I suppose VW are insisting that Listers rectify their own mistakes? But how can you trust them? I really feel for you.