Fiamma Curved Rafter Pro.



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Morning everyone,

As folks are starting to fit these on their vans I had lots of requests over the weekend to source them.
As requested you can find them on the link below, I've bought a small amount in and we'll see how they go :thumb

If anyone has one fitted (Simon B ;)) could you please post a couple of pictures, so folks can see them in action.
Cheers All

It was very hard to photograph in situ, so I've taken some pictures of the curved rafter out of the Cali.
The first picture is the instructions on the rafter which explains clearly how it works.
The second picture shows how much it is curved from the horizontal when it is extended, about 8cms in the centre.
The 3rd picture shows how it is adjusted.
One part simply slides inside the other. Depending on your make of awning it may have the fitting already built into it. My awning is a Thule and the rafter is a good friction fit at each end. I fixed some foam pads onto each end to increase the friction. It kept the awning from sagging during the showers at the Lower Lode meet last weekend, once we had got the hang of angling the awning as well it was good.
It is not easy to photograph in situ without a ladder, or drone, this is the only shot I took that shows the upward curve in the middle.
You can see it falls to the front. I'll try to get some better pictures when I next use it.
Here is the YouTube link

Hope these help. Simon
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Any tips on where to store it ? Sure it's easy in a Beach but it's too long to fit in the back on an Ocean.
As there are only 2 sections to it and it has to cover the entire width of the awning it doesn't collapse to a small pole. It is about 146 cms, just under 5 feet, when stored.
We put ours in the space that comes out between the bench seat and the cupboard. We access it from the boot.
Not ideal, but a lot better than having a large puddle on the awning if you've left it out when you are away from the Cali.
SB I went for the draw option in that space which may have been a mistake as apparently it's also a good space to store the Thule ramps. I wonder whether it would fit next to the top mattress safely !
If you lie it on it's side in the middle of the mattress, it's only going to be 4cms high and that would squash into the mattress I would think. It comes in a long heavy plastic bag, so you could store it in that to keep the mattress clean.

VW California Club
