Fitting emergency towing hitch in frontbumper on T5


Hotel California

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Here's a short movie by myself on how to pull off the plastic trim that covers the hole to screw in the emergency towing hitch , towing hook ....
Think there was a Q recently by someone who had difficulty pulling of the cover , worked for me in a second.
As in the movie , one finger pushing the small button upwarts in hole on top off the fogg light and push with thumb to make a lever.
To attatch the hitch you need to screw it in LEFT ...there is a arrow showing direction.

Could be good to practice at home just in case;)
Problem is it seems that in some models you need to push the lever UP, in some you need to pull it DOWN to get the cover off... You just need to try, one or the other.
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Good video Wim, you made that look very easy, when I did this it felt like the lug above the fog lamp will snap.

This is one thing everyone should practice along with removing the control panel to bring the roof down manually ... Will that be your next video ? :)

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Good video Wim, you made that look very easy, when I did this it felt like the lug above the fog lamp will snap.

This is one thing worth everyone practicing along with removing the control panel to bring the roof down manually ... Will that be your next video ? :)

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Was just saying it to the wife while she helpt me doing this movie this afthernoon , i need to practice the emergency roofclosure ....
Thing is that , again the wife, has showed me how to put my homemade Cali-video's on tjub-tjube , totaly new for me...... as i am totaly not in to those things.
Also no facebook or instagram,twitter,... for me...
Great Video - great Tip - hope I won't need it but thanks if I ever do.......:bananadance
Another usefull tip is to check if the tread is not to rusty , i read on a other (Belgian) camperforum stories of people that could not screw it in due to rusty tread and dirt piling in the hole....
It was not on Cali's but motorhome in general.
Guess the fact the hole is well hidden behind the plastic trim on our Cali's keeps it clean .
Was the first time i screwed it in and did noticed a greasy pasta on the tread when i unscrewed the hitch so guessing VW did greased it in there from factory:thumb
Here's a short movie by myself on how to pull off the plastic trim that covers the hole to screw in the emergency towing hitch , towing hook ....
Think there was a Q recently by someone who had difficulty pulling of the cover , worked for me in a second.
As in the movie , one finger pushing the small button upwarts in hole on top off the fogg light and push with thumb to make a lever.
To attatch the hitch you need to screw it in LEFT ...there is a arrow showing direction.

Could be good to practice at home just in case;)

After coming across this thread I thought I should definitely check this out while the sun was shining and I wasn't stuck in a dark field in driving rain. In my case the lug needed a slight downward pull by a millimetre or 2 to begin the release process; in fact the lug felt like it shouldn't move at all but that's all it needed. So happy now that I know how to do it but I found that the foglight was fixed by only 1 of 3 possible torx headed screws so you could wobble it around. The 2 empty fixings were pristine and looked like they'd never been used, and in fact when the cover was in place the foglight was held firmly anyway but still odd if VW never bothered to screw the other 2 positions. I shall phone the dealer for some spare screws next week just in case - they're only just along the coast and they seem to enjoy my visits anyway as long as I take Stan our Border terrier cross for them to fuss....

Thanks for the heads up:thumb
Remember if you have fitted a " Sports Line " front bumper then the standard Tow Hitch will NOT fit as it is too short.
On mine a T6 Ocean it's different than the video. Small hatch gets removed. Page 361 in the manual.

Video not showing up...

Video not showing up...

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Chris, don't think HC has been and will be on here anytime soon. Not sure about the video.

I think the Seikel UK team at Volkstrek - had done something similar to Guy Deacon's VW -

The Volkstrek team should be able to help. They are based about near Aberystwyth in Wales.

Edit: not sure if this is what you want ... or you were looking for some other standard towing hitch/hook option.

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