Thought about hip to adding a dormer Tom rather than Gable end, cheaper and if you plan the rightsize, dont need planning

Here a free guide to converting lofts, r
Im borrowing now to make memories for the future

. Bizarrely, people getting credit and paying interest is a massive part of what makes the economy tick. Eg If
@Amarillo doesnt get that loan for his loft conversion, then he wouldnt need builders, plumbers, bathrooms, carpets etc. so the loan he is getting, will be helping his local economy & local businesses etc. Also the interest people pay on loan and mortgages, goes on to help the next person get a loan or mortgage etc. If no one borrowed, you might find that you wouldnt be in the same financial position to be able to save and buy a cali outright as the economy would be a whole different ball game

Getting credit is not a bad thing if you can afford it but getting £10k on your credit card and paying 30% interest when you only earn £5k is a bad debt, and no, that isn't good for the economy.