'Full' child safety net?



VIP Member
North West
T5 SE 180
Hi all

Is there such a thing as a 'full' child safety net for the top bunk? I presume the net I got with our Cali is the standard one? It's corner-shaped so it fits under the bed and covers roughly half the vertical gap at the front.

We got away with this last year when our baby slept in a travel cot inside the top bunk but this year I need to fence in a toddler!

I am fairly sure that you would have to make / adapt something to suit your purposes. My suggestion would be to put a toddler downstairs (probably with one parent) until they are old enough to understand that a swan dive over the top net is not advisable!

Hi. I have the same issue - did you find a solution? It would be ideal to have our toddler go to sleep 'upstairs'... but the VW safety net isn't safe enough... any other ideas?
Hi! No, not yet I haven't had time to look at it. Current alternative is to stick her on the parcel shelf like some of the other guys do - kind of like a cot. Would still like the upstairs option though!
Yeah - we were doing that, then had a complete refusal involving climbing out / banging the rear cupboard doors :headbang camper tantrum! So we reverted to getting him to sleep on the folded out bed downstairs, which of course meant we couldn't cook etc etc... Bought a VW 'safety' net, but it's pretty useless for toddlers... I'll keep a look out. Thanks for the reply.
We started using ours when our girl was 15 months and our bit was 3 years old. No problems at all and they love it up there (we did five weeks in Europe last Summer).
It takes a bit if getting used to but it's worth the effort.
Kernowlad - what did you do about safety if you have a 15 month old up there? I know our 19 month old would appear head first on the dash if I put her up there! :)

Or did you rely on the shutter?
Cheers for the photo - yes, that's the one I have too but it wouldn't contain my little girl, it would need to be full height (or a lot higher anyway). She's a climber and a dardevil :crazy
Couldn't you just grab your grand mother's Singer and add an extra piece of netting to the top half? When I look at the picture of the current net, that doesn't seem too complex a job...
We did what bvdobb suggests and got a bit of similar looking netting then stitched it on double stitched all the way up to the roof pretty much. We also added in a plastic rod halfway up to keep it solid. All it does is act as a deterrent for any major shenanigans and seems to work fine. I certainly don't worry too much, 13 month old fwiw and no idea about height or safety/self preservation ! Option B is bang a protacot up there which does basically the same thing - we have done that as well, the phil and teds one works well.
jonesey said:
Kernowlad - what did you do about safety if you have a 15 month old up there? I know our 19 month old would appear head first on the dash if I put her up there! :)

Or did you rely on the shutter?

We did stay with her until she was fully asleep for the first few times (she also came downstairs a few times) but after that we didn't worry. She's a very good sleeper which helps - up until 1 she was terrible though!

They both sleep up there better than at other people's houses now.

This was taken just before we got it:


Six months after we got it in Mull:


Then last Summer in Provence:


They really do love it! :mrgreen: :thumb
Ace pics! :D :D

Has given me some ideas for even more equipment i.e. kids chairs and table!

jonesey said:
Ace pics! :D :D

Has given me some ideas for even more equipment i.e. kids chairs and table!


Cheers! :mrgreen:

I think the chairs were £6 each from Homebase and the table (the legs pull out it can be stored flat) was about £10 off ebay.

Sorry to jump on an old thread but I just found this photo and it has prompted me to ask another question!

When the safety net is attached to the snaps(?) under the mattress, is it possible to unhook the net's straps at the top and lay the net and straps down over the mattress when closing the roof? It would therefore stay as it is in the picture, with the bottom tucked and secured under the mattress and the standing-up net bit laid flat on top of the mattress. Upon raising the roof again, once could then simple lift up the straps and reattach without having to take the whole net down and then refit it from scratch again each night.

I'm sorry if this isn't worded very clearly - sometimes painting a picture with words is harder than it ought to be!

It just looks like it could be a bit of a faff to keep taking it down and putting it up again each night but I think my girls may roll off the end in the night if it isn't in place...


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