Fuses - why on earth isn't there fuse map!!



VIP Member
T5 Beach
There I was looking to pull a fuse to disable the OEM DRLs because I have had the led DRLs fitted and lo and behold VW don't even give you a diagram showing which fus is which!

I can't believe this - imagine you are in torrential rain and your windscreen wipers fail. You can't even check if it's the fuse. Is this a conspiracy between the breakdown service insurers and the manufacturers?

Also, I've paid good money for a complex product - I would expect it to be properly documented.

Anyway minor rant over - does anyone know where the fuses are documented on the interweb. I can't seem to find a definitive version. If there is one I'll print it out and make my own supple!ent to the manual.

Thanks in advance as usual if anyone can help.
Have you looked in the VIPS download section?
Thanks - should have thought of that one! :oops:

Although I'd still like the fuse map for a Beach for my model year.
They don't do a map as such because the specification changes frequently. The manual should tell you which fuse is which - the numbering doesn't change, so you need to count the offset number of fuses to get to the correct one. If that makes sense!
The download takes some recovering but I guess with the options code decipherer someone posted recently you should be able to work out most things.

Unfortunately of course the document is for a Kombi and is a few years old. Anyone got a newer version that could replaced the one in the download section?

@californiaman unfortuately there is nothing at all in the manual about fuses, except where the fuses are located. Absolutely NO information about which fuse is which or which fuse to check if something doesn't work.
Have you looked underneath the ashtray, on my cali their is a flap that you removed to access fuses on the inside of the flap are two or three fuse cards showing location and value of fuses.

John :goodone
I'll take a look but you go straight into the fuse box these days without having to take out the ashtray.
The VW techs don't know the fuse layout of any of their vehicles.

Apparently this changes a lot and the techs have to look up the vehicle vin on their intranet to find out the layout in each case.

I just asked my (French) dealer & he punched the VIN into his computer & printed out the 28-page document for me...
I asked for that too but was refused :sad
+ John - there really isn't any kind of diagram hidden under or around the ashtray in new Calls. no idea when they stopped doing this.

+ Alan - I don't believe the wiring looms change a lot. I'd like to bet that they are fixed for each model year when all the options are known and don't change at all. It wouldn't make sense for manufacturing for these to change vehicle by vehicle - that would be a nightmare for the build instructions.

What I am beginning to realise though is that the looms and therefore fuse positions for the Beach and SE are different which kind of makes sense as they are based on different base vehicles. If you've seen my thread on turning off the OEM DRLs when you have the Versatec led DRLs fitted you'll see that the instructions only work for an SE. If you follow them on a Beach and pull the fuses they instruct you to you lose the headlights!
Hi Bramco,

I would have thought the same, which is why I am puzzled that VW don't supply a layout diagram in the handbook. Can't see why it needs to be so secret!

It's so you have to pay Vw £80 or whatever for them to fix it, they send Vw HQ your Vin and get a wiring diagram with fuse positions but you as the vehicle owner aren't allowed to know it's top secret!
VW say they don't supply a fuse diagram because the fuse positions change so much !!
Obviously (for me) owners need to know where at least certain fuses are.

I might have hoped that SMG, for instance, could confirm that in UK (like here in France) all a dealer has to do is input the VIN number to see the information straight away on his screen.

Then it's just a matter of goodwill whether the dealer will or won't print the results for you.

For me, it doesn't seem much to ask for €50000...
Finally I'm in possession of the 30 odd page document for the fuses!

Took a stroppy new year email earlier this week to get it.

And given some of the notes in it, it confirms my earlier thoughts that these things don't change very much if at all. There are notes that say for example 'pre May 2012' etc. So much for the excuse that the maps are always changing.

If you want a copy of the document just keep insisting that your dealer print it off for you. And I'm pretty sure there are 2 versions, one for the SE and one for the Beach given the hassle I had getting the led DRLs sorted.
Well done Bramco.

I am sure we would all like to see that. Can it be saved in the VIP section?


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