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German speeding fine

Could you ever imagine a German paying a UK fine. Didn't think so...
I don´t need to imagine that one.
I was that man.
Non payment of the Dartford crossing, they passed it on to a european
debt collecting agency, letter came through demanding about 180€, it also
said that if i paid 3,57€ within 14 days then that would be okay.
The way they try to con people with those letters is unbelievable.
180€ bit was in yer face and at the back of the letter in the smallest size font
printable was
Mine was €10 for doing 107kmh in a 100kmh zone (Koblenz). I paid because I committed the offence and the penalty did not seem unreasonable, therefore paying the fine seemed to be a reasonable and fair response.

Oh, and as a clear photo of both me and my temporary export plate arrived at my address almost before I did- I had no reason to believe that German efficiency would suddenly ‘tail off’ at that stage in the proceedings.

I hope it goes towards resurfacing though as the roads were shocking.

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Norway was equally efficient in sending me a bill for toll payments. However, we did manage to wholly avoid paying for a ferry passage, and although I phoned a company about not being able to pay a parking fee in Bergen, I was never able to pay.

My biggest fear is receiving a bill for non payment of a Hungarian vignette, or being charged for a full year of Swiss motorway driving after accidentally crossing the border from Lichtenstein onto a Swiss motorway for just one junction.

Oh... and there's the Polish fuel station that charged me for someone else's fuel (28.99 litres) when I'd filled with ~65 litres.

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Norway was equally efficient in sending me a bill for toll payments. However, we did manage to wholly avoid paying for a ferry passage, and although I phoned a company about not being able to pay a parking fee in Bergen, I was never able to pay.

My biggest fear is receiving a bill for non payment of a Hungarian vignette, or being charged for a full year of Swiss motorway driving after accidentally crossing the border from Lichtenstein onto a Swiss motorway for just one junction.

Oh... and there's the Polish fuel station that charged me for someone else's fuel (28.99 litres) when I'd filled with ~65 litres.

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This sounds like a call to Interpol is required, who knew we harboured such criminal types within this forum........
I have just received a speeding fine of 30 Euros for driving at 80 kph on a 60 kph autobahn ramp (A38 x A7).

They accept bank transfers but not credit/debit cards. What is the best way to pay minimising bank fees?

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Years ago (parking fine- meter broken but they don’t give a notice in window any consideration. In these circumstances a ticket should then be purchased at post office? We were unaware of this.). The fine had to paid at local post office in the district where fine issued. Not easy if you come home before you find out this info)
We just took the fine into the counter & paid the amount. Not sure if this speeding fine could be the same.procedure.
Get first hand advice = Ask the locals.

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They are saving up for brexit. Charging as much as they can quick sticks
I have just received a speeding fine of 30 Euros for driving at 80 kph on a 60 kph autobahn ramp (A38 x A7).

They accept bank transfers but not credit/debit cards. What is the best way to pay minimising bank fees?

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Just pay the fine and charges and put it down to experience .
Just pay the fine and charges and put it down to experience .

Here here! Pay up and don’t speed again.
If anyone believes that the European police won’t chase you up for a speeding fine then don’t pay and suffer the consequences!
Sounds like Tom is sorted now but I've just got a Revolut card (free) and I think I would be able to make a bank transfer free if I'm unlucky enough to get into the same predicament.
When I was in Germany (Army) the fine always came with a paying-in chit usually from a particular branch (Sparkasse seemed to be the usual one). Why not just send the €30 and paperwork across to the local branch where the fine originates? Perhaps with a covering email to the issuer of the fine to let them know it’s inbound?

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