Glasgow - Glasgow van centre

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Bought a second hand Cali with 600 miles on the clock down south. I moved up to Scotland am based in Glasgow. It's still under warranty.

The van has done 3500 miles. I noticed that all the letters have fallen off the tailgate. It's a Cali ornia, not tdi not a 4motion anymore. Rang verve and asked for a new set of letters only to be told that it was 'wear and tear'. I'm wondering what wear and tear would make all the badging fall of a van? At least one that's almost new.

I'm therefore stuck thinking the warranty isn't worth the paper it's written on and that the after sales service is a bit sing.

Wondered if any other Cali owners had experienced bad service or problems with warranty cover. Trying to work out of its a common problem or just verve van centre? :cry:

Pete Cali 4motion black pearl all the trimmings....
I should go into your nearest van centre and ask them. Possibly a bit more friendly.....
Hi and welcome to the forum.

Sorry you are having no joy from your local dealership your Cali must be nearly new if it only had 600 miles on the clock when you bought it and it must have cost you a lot. This should be giving your case more leverage on top of the fact that the lettering should not just fall off.

I am with you in that you should be getting more support from your local dealership. So first I would contact VW customer support and complain about how you have been treated.

Also have you contacted the dealership you bought the Cali from ?

I would also say the letters should not just fall off (are you sure someone did not take them off)
However I would not accept that it is wear and tear

I have never had a name come off a car & have had many over the last 35 years
HY09UMU said:
I would also say the letters should not just fall off (are you sure someone did not take them off)
However I would not accept that it is wear and tear

I have never had a name come off a car & have had many over the last 35 years

Return of the beastie boys ?
Pete, this is certainly not normal wear and tear. Ignore Verve and go to the Edinburgh van centre (near Ikea). They understand Cali's and I've had good service from them.
I live in Ayrshire and i bought my California in Surrey, i have had to take the van back twice to my local dealer in Ayr(Ingrams of Ayr) and had no issues about the warranty, both times problem sorted with no hassle.
Ewan said:
Pete, this is certainly not normal wear and tear. Ignore Verve and go to the Edinburgh van centre (near Ikea). They understand Cali's and I've had good service from them.

What's the name of this particular Van Centre?
Haven't seen any that have come off of their own accord to be honest. Could be that someone has pulled them off when parked at some point as mindless vandalism. Another reason could be if it has had paint work on the tailgate and whoever did it di not renew the letters and tried to reuse the originals.

Thanks for the advice folks much appreciated. The letters weren't taken off by a vandal. The f in California fell off, I guess as in f off. A little later noticed the t in tdi was wonky and touched it and they all fell off, followed shortly by the 4motion. Considered making it a vw fornication, but decided against. Did moan to vw customer services and they have provided a note which covers getting them refitted, so bit happier with after sales care from vw. Will take my business to Edinburgh as they sound a better bet. Verve not helpful.
Verve Van Centre (indeed Verve in its entirity) ceased trading in November 2013. Lookers appear to have bought it from the administrators and claim to want to expand the Centre's activities. Anybody know what's happening?
Lookers have indeed taken over. My 4 motion is booked in next week to go over end of 3 year warranty issues and MOT ahead of being out of warranty etc. Can keep you all posted as to what's going on there after...... Unless I should stay away??
greenfintry said:
Lookers have indeed taken over. My 4 motion is booked in next week to go over end of 3 year warranty issues and MOT ahead of being out of warranty etc. Can keep you all posted as to what's going on there after...... Unless I should stay away??

Thanks for the quick response.
Apart from a major hiccup when I bought my used Cali from them a few years ago, they've been fine. Their Cali electrics guy has been very helpful on a number of things.
I expect Lookers have just taken over Verve's staff. Can you ask 'em :thumb ?

I need to get them to look at the gas valve thing which needs replacing every 3-4 years and I'm ashamed to say think it's a couple of years overdue ... I was thinking I might have to go to the Van Centres at Edinburgh or Ayr which would be a pain.

Fintry ... would that be the village of ... ?
Indeed the very same, over the hill from...
any members have experience of buying a California from or dealing with the Glasgow van centre ?
If it's the Bailieston Van Centre you're referring to, I had a very bad experience when under its previous owner (Verve). It turned out to be a rogue salesman but I only got 'redress' after the intervention of a somewhat heavy handed lawyer. The salesman was 'let go' and I got a properly documented remaining one-year of the three-year warranty and a year's extension (and some other things).
The after sales service was good thereafter until it changed hands about 18 months ago and has remained good.
They don't seem to sell many new or used Calis as far as I can tell.

(I subsequently discovered the rogue salesman had previously been let go from a major Scottish motor dealer)

Many thanks for your reply.

I'm thinking of buying new and considering the pros and cons of the T5 vs T6. I'm in the south west so Glasgow is my nearest dealer but Edinburgh van centre seems to be well thought of. There is a local dealer who I can use for VW servicing but they do not supply the California.

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We had a very bad experience at Glasgow VW van centre Darnley, no one seamed to know what they were selling... Apart from outrageous finance!! Moving on we were advised to contact David at Edinburgh VW Bilston, what a fantastic. The man could not do enough for us , and his knowledge of the califonia was second to none . Have had there demonstrator a we run and got it for a weekend in June . Needless to say our new van is presently on order from them
Not good to hear about the Darnley experience.
My understanding was that the Darnley site was to 'specialise' in Calis whereas the Baillieston site was to simply tread water on them.
I'll second that about David at Edinburgh....but I think he's left?
Vans in for a fault this week, so if there's anything newsworthy, I'll post later in week. I've otherwise nothing bad to say of Edinburgh.
David is certainly still at Edinburgh and he is fantastic. I only just collected my van on Saturday but was planning on posting a very positive dealer review when I get a chance :)
Interesting...I bought at Baillieston on the understanding that all servicing etc would take place at a very good deal.....salesman was very good and knew the California extremely well.....handover took place at Darnley.... I also visited Edinburgh van centre and found salesman helpful but less informed about the California.......I preferred to buy from a dealer in the west as I live in Ayrshire........time will tell if I made the right decision......
If you live in Ayrshire then VW Ingram in Ayr are a VW van service centre and can handle all warranty work also
I've used Ingrams in the past for a previous campervan.......they were OK for normal servicing but I'm not sure how they would be for the camper side of a be surprised if they have been trained on the California....

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