Grand Cali head unit OEM MIB 2.5 upgrade.



United Kingdom
Grand California 600
For those who have the earlier grand cali's with the older style head unit there is a solution to upgrade to HD OEM screen (MIB 2.5)

The MIB 2.5 screen is a drop in replacement, this works for crafter's or man TGE with the same style head unit.

There are two versions of the MIB 2.5 screen which are as follows, for grand Cali owners it will be the B variant.

Without Navigation: 5G6919605A
With Navigation: 5G6919605B

First remove the head unit surround which includes the vents with a trim tool, ENSURE you do your best to keep the 4 mental clips 2 either side of the vent which are prone to falling off and down the inner of the dash.

Video: (up to 40 seconds is valid as it's the same procedure)

Once you have removed the screen you have a square connector and a round video connector.

Now you have two options you can replace the video feed wire with the MIB 2.5 variant or using a Stanley knife or file remove the extra locating lug on your original wire, once removed it will still click into place.

New dash head unit trim: 7C0857038G

You then will need to purchase the above trim panel for the new head unit, ensuring it comes with 4 new clips on either side of the vents or you have retained your original ones when dismantling.




VW California Club
