Heat pump and Solar at home anyone?



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T6.1 Coast 150
We have just had a new 5 kW heat pump and all new radiators installed at home...... lovin it, lovin it, lovin it!

Also a mahoosive 7.5 kW solar array on the roof ......... lovin that too!

Now we can keep warm for tuppence and sell all the excess leccy to the grid :thumb

Anyone else gone down the green energy route? :)
I'm thinking of solar on my garage roof but I hear of quite a few air source heat pumps being removed locally and people reverting back to gas boiler.
Heat pumps are fine if they are correctly specified for the house
We moved into a two year old house with a heat pump fitted from new. It never generated enough heat, was unreliable and failed completely at 5 years old. We replaced it with a newer more powerful (Hitachi) model correctly rated for the house. The new one works very well and we're very happy with it
The only down side is that replacement of an existing renewable energy generator with a new one isn't eligible for the grant funding (only applies to replacement of gas or fossil fuel boilers). So it was expensive.
Yes, we had a HP installed last year with the £7.5k grant. Very happy with it. Ended up costing less than a third of the cost to replace the oil boiler which had died. 9kw Daikin linked to the existing underfloor heating. Brilliant once it was finally installed, lots of problems getting to that point but that’s a different story. Roof doesn’t work for solar unfortunately but running costs are low, helped by the ev tariff we have which gives extended periods of really cheap electric - the average rate we are paying for all our electrical usage, not just charging the 2 cars, over the last period was just under 10p/kwh. That will go up a little in the winter but not by much. Octopus intelligent go, normally get the low rate in the evening and through the night. Brilliant combination, we won’t be going back to oil for either heating or for the cars - other than the Cali of course .
We got a heat pump installed last year. Have had solar panels for ages. Getting a battery installed next week - and looking forward to the combination of those (plus an Economy 7-style tariff - not decided which one yet) bringing down our bills as well as saving the planet!