Heater fumes



T5 SE 180
Sorry if this gets posted twice - not only a cali novice but a forum novice too! So - we have an awning where the dogs are happily sleeping and we're cosy in the van - bit chilly so popped the heater on for the first time. Horrified to see fumes from underneath the heater filling the awning! Were we really dumb to put the heater on with an awning and the side door open?
Yep , not smart to start up the heater and having the sliding door open or have side panels on the awning ...for sure not while dogs are sitting in it.
But hey , one needs to learn...
A bit of smell can even be noticed inside the closed Cali ,...depends on/ or the wind...
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Unfortunately the exhaust for the heater is under the van very close to the location of the sliding door. So not a lot you can do to stop it.
Thanks both - a lesson learned! Toasty warm now I've done some cooking. Camping in the forest - glass of red in hand - all good
There was some discussion a while ago about rerouting the heater exhaust to the other side of the van. Shouldn't be too difficult but bear in mind that the maximum length should not exceed 2m.
We have a 4Motion so might be a bit more tricky.
Probably more sensible to take it to the rear of the van on the offside where the main exhaust goes :thumb there are some pretty big heat shields in the way of getting it over to the near side and once you get over there there is the fuel tank...
When I picked up our new cal September 2015 I mentioned this to the sales guy and he informed me that its because the van is meant for Europe left hand drive. Until I pointed out that the door is on the same side for both mainland Europe and the UK
Do love the dealers and their product knowledge!
Wow that doe's seem an odd place for it, lucky you noticed, poor dogs could have got CO poisoning.

I believe it's there only because the heater is usually under the drivers seat (UK right side), would be the passenger seat in Europe? Either way it's not very well thought out by VW there.

An exhaust extension sounds a good plan and maybe a skirt for the side of the van? You certainly don't want any CO fumes getting into your awning.
I am sure this has been covered it the past and I thought I read that there is an issue extending the exhaust out let on the heater
Cab heaters usually have a documented maximum exhaust length, I don't know about the particular heater in the Cali but each model will have its own max length.
Sorry if this gets posted twice - not only a cali novice but a forum novice too! So - we have an awning where the dogs are happily sleeping and we're cosy in the van - bit chilly so popped the heater on for the first time. Horrified to see fumes from underneath the heater filling the awning! Were we really dumb to put the heater on with an awning and the side door open?
Hi, found your post from a few years ago, and just to let you know we made just the same mistake! Like many, we find an awning essential, but the fumes tell you the auxiliary heater is a big no no. Luckily, we're generally on hook up and have invested £20 in a small electric oil-filled radiator just to take the chill off (advised not to leave on overnight, so warm duvets also essential!).
The amount of Carbon Monoxide produced by BURNING diesel is infinitesimal compared to a diesel combustion engine and probably not detectable by commercial CO alarms.
You are more likely to suffer CO poisoning from the gas rings cooking inside the vehicle with inadequate ventilation.
Also Carbon Dioxide produced from 4 people sleeping in a California without adequate ventilation is likely to leave you with a thick head in the morning, never mind the condensation produced.
You can get a shielding peice that goes from the bottom of the van to ground level which helps keep the fumes out of the awning. Ours works pretty well but is mainly used to prevent draughts blowing in under the van rather than keeping fumes out.

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