Helmut, California Beach, work in progress

top work fella
Great work my friend, really well thought out storage that will be useful even when not camping :)
Wow, some people are born to do this. If i tried anything like that, i 100% gurantee half (who am i kidding all) of that wood would end up being used as fuel for my chiminea
I'm a chippy by trade and feel I can complement the work you have done there fella :thumb
And last thing for today, a small bench for water and storage. The good thing is I still have 20-25 cm between the bench and the 3 seater bench when the bed is made. Easier to get off the car in case you have an emergency during the night... ;)

The kitchen unit I have (which was useful for the camping car registration) is definitively too bulky for me.
Thanks for your comments, I'm happy to share this with you as lots of you have been very helpful and inspiring !
New improvement.
I was tired of constantly having to slide the 3 seater bench to set up the bed. Here is a solution that finally gives me complete satisfaction. The gain in time is just about one minute, but after a week, I feel the difference.
I will work on the esthetic side later, but the idea was to have access to the porta potti during the night (I have 3 kids !!) and to the inside storage.

And for the water supply, I use a garden sprayer wich belongs right next to the auxiliary heating output. During cold night, the water is warmed up and it is pleasant to have lukewarm water in the morning.
The water consumption is also much more reasonable than with the water pump.
Hello proud California Owners !
Since a week I am the happy father of a 4th boy, so I had to make a few changes in the van.
Exit the front passenger seat and installation of a 2 seater bank. The thing is, my storage bank wouldn't fit anymore, so I had to build another :


VW California Club
