Hooray and 2 questions.



aka Rioja
Farnham, Surrey
Cali now sold
So we picked up our Cali today. Love it to pieces and we are really pleased. Can't wait to take it away this weekend.

So I have two questions.

1. Does anybody use the mosquito nets for the window? One of mine has a crack on the frame - will it still work ok and should I bother getting a replacement?

2. I found these two rubber things behind the bench seat - see the pics below. Anybody know what they are and where they go?

One happy Cali owner. :)
IMG_0253.JPG IMG_0254.JPG
The rubber buffers come off the rear shelf.
Mine came off but I never put them back on, don't really know what they are supposed to do so leave em off imo, some people go to great lengths to glue them back on.
Never used the mosi nets either.
Question 1. The screens not really going to stop mosquito's more for just flies
If the van is new I would get them to replace it.
Question 2. They are bumpers out of the rear parcel shelf move the seat forward and on each corner of the shelf you will see black plastic rounded pieces they fit in there 1 each side
Question 1 , I would defi ately get replaced, even if just to store till you sell
Question 2
I spent ages getting mine back in, using fairly liquid
They lasted till today funnily enough when I see one had dropped into my storage box
My seat hits the matress when I push it back so I am not going to bother with putting them back in
Once you have located where they go apply a smidg of quality glue,push into holes then pull tight tail the grommets with pliers
Done mine a couple of years ago,been ok since
Yes....change the fly screen next time your at the dealers

question one. Never used them but then no self-respecting mosi will drink my blood. It will give them a hangover for weeks.

Question 2. They, as others have said, are the bump stops fitted to the rear shelf that the seat clangs into when pushed back. Mine dropped off ages ago so I fed them to the starving mozzies.

Seriously, never worried about it.
We have used the mosi nets seceral times. Would not be without them but we have covered ours with midge netting.
Blooming rubber things, everyone goes throught the "what on earth..." Cycle. Glue being used this time, again found the miscreant in the storage box.
I thought the rubber things were something to do with birth control but I then asked on the forum and found the answer
Thanks for all he responses folks. Some quite amusing. To glue or not to glue...? Think I'll not bother. :)
Wecome to the forum matey, our grommets fell off in first week, didnt know what they were so asked here and sorted....left them off!
The rubber bumpers get knocked out when setting up the bed.

If you don't slide the seat quite far enough forward before folding the seat-back down, the top of the seat-back hits the bumpers.

Knocked mine out in week 1 of owning the Cali, put them back, realised what I was doing wrong, took more care, never had them fall out again.

They shouldn't need gluing.

IMO it's worth putting them back because they protect the rear of the seat and the bed extension when you slide the (upright) seat backwards.

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