How has anyone filled the gap between the van and the driveaway awning to stop drips?



I contacted Thule, whose mounted awning we have fixed onto the side of the van as when it rains, there is a gap between the van and the mounting, so rain drips through into the van. For other motor homes there is an extra piece that is fitted to close this gap, but with VW they can't fit it due to the shape. Has anyone come up with a good idea for this? Thank you in advance.
I contacted Thule, whose mounted awning we have fixed onto the side of the van as when it rains, there is a gap between the van and the mounting, so rain drips through into the van. For other motor homes there is an extra piece that is fitted to close this gap, but with VW they can't fit it due to the shape. Has anyone come up with a good idea for this? Thank you in advance.
The awning fitted to the Cali should have a rubber seal between the awning and the rail on the side of the van.
Yeah there should be a rain seal in the middle, I have a fiamma not a thule but that also has a rain seal.
Pictures here:
I contacted Thule, whose mounted awning we have fixed onto the side of the van as when it rains, there is a gap between the van and the mounting, so rain drips through into the van. For other motor homes there is an extra piece that is fitted to close this gap, but with VW they can't fit it due to the shape. Has anyone come up with a good idea for this? Thank you in advance.
Do you have a California Beach/Ocean/SE ? Or a Conversion.

The VW California has a rubber rain guard seal between the roof/Awning cassette.
Part 5 is the Rain Seal.


My 2014 SE doesn't have it!
Is it available to purchase separate does anyone know?
I purchased a long piece of closed cell foam to do the job but have to remove it while driving which is a PITA.
My 2014 SE doesn't have it!
Is it available to purchase separate does anyone know?
I purchased a long piece of closed cell foam to do the job but have to remove it while driving which is a PITA.
The club shop can get you one about £20
The seal locates between the two awning brackets and seals against the black aluminium rail along its length. When it comes to the awning brackets themselves the seal leaves a small (3-4mm) gap at each end and you will still get drips here. At least it should not be dripping in through the open sliding door. :happy
My 2014 SE doesn't have it!
Is it available to purchase separate does anyone know?
I purchased a long piece of closed cell foam to do the job but have to remove it while driving which is a PITA.
Strange. My 2014 SE has the rain seal fitted. Did you have your vehicle from new?
Don’t have one on my 2018. Only found out I should have one when a friend chap on here told me a couple of weeks ago!!
The club shop can supply them
I've just called the club shop. They only supply them if you buy the awning with it as a complete kit. If you have an older cali with the awning already, you're out of luck... they suggested contacting Thule directly
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i will have a word with them leave it with me
i will have a word with them leave it with me
Hi calikev, did you have any luck with Thule regarding your gutter gap. I've a 17 plate cal with the same problem. thanks
yes we can order you one have you got the thule wind out awning if so its around the £20 mark
i will order a couple in give the shop a call on friday they should be there
i will order a couple in give the shop a call on friday they should be there
Hi Kev. I see some other people were after the rubber strip between the awning and the van. Do you still have stock please or are you able to get in stock please ?

VW California Club
