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To reiterate some of what has been already said. The major influencer on what mpg one gets is the driver him or herself. Gentle acceleration and braking, not speeding, not overloading, tyre pressures, and good maintenance will all impact mpg but the driver will still have the biggest impact. Long journeys will give better mpg than short ones. Our T6 150 dsg has averaged 37.6 mpg over 23000 miles, the vast majority long trips, never been above 65mph, 0-60 is nearer 30 seconds than 10 seconds and try our best to anticipated slowing traffic to minimise braking. This braking minimising has significantly prelonged disk life, last service they were 45% worn after 23000 miles. Also extends tyre life, on track for 35,000 for a set of tyres.
For those really obsessed with mpg, gain speed on downhill sections, preferably coasting, and go gentle on the accelerator uphill, losing a bit of speed if necessary.