Ben Nevis
Although excited about our imminent (Wednesday) new arrival we thought we should share (and hopefully start a discussion on old v new) that we are also a little sad to be comitting our 15 year old (still a spring chicken in T4 years) LWB pop top to a period of sorn!
Since ordering the Cali we have been told our T4 is apparently quite rare and very desireable as it has virtually no electronics and apart from the original paintwork, that has now lost its shine and is really ready for a respray, she drives as good now as when she was new.
So, the big question on our mind now is, what shall we do with the trusty old T4 which some say is actually going to appreciate over the next few years. We're really struggling to convince ourselves about whether it's a good idea to part with her right now or not...? Will we miss the extra length and trade in for another LWB...?? What would you guys do with her......???
Since ordering the Cali we have been told our T4 is apparently quite rare and very desireable as it has virtually no electronics and apart from the original paintwork, that has now lost its shine and is really ready for a respray, she drives as good now as when she was new.
So, the big question on our mind now is, what shall we do with the trusty old T4 which some say is actually going to appreciate over the next few years. We're really struggling to convince ourselves about whether it's a good idea to part with her right now or not...? Will we miss the extra length and trade in for another LWB...?? What would you guys do with her......???