Hi. Thanks for all the useful stuff and i will join vip shortly. Collect our new 7 seat beach in acapulco blue on 11th march. (new plates old tax system). Already planning long weekends and trips in uk this year. Children (6+5) very excited. (Must order fitted waterproof double sheet on top bed!). Hired a rental for a few days as this will also be better half's main m1 commute car. Had great delight in the insurance will they? won't they? game! (one for insurance thread - but its a car apparently!) can't wait to pick up and play before buying anything (apart from a bungee). Thanks again for all the help on this great forum. Ps better half wanted grape yellow hence daisy. But none available anywhere in 7 seat hence the showroom model and (i prefer) blue. Still getting called daisy though!