Introducing Myself. John Dean


John Dean

Beaconsfield, Bucks.
T6 Ocean 204 4Motion
I have just placed an order for T6 Ocean 4motion, which I hope will arrive sometime next May or June ( what a wait). I am looking forward to taking it to a few festivals, bit of touring and generally having a bit of fun and adventure. Any advice on basics to aquire, for comfort, or good sites to visit on the south coast, Dorset, Devon or Cornwall, would be welcome. Can't wait.
Good evening John and welcome.

You have a long wait, and a long time to think about all those essentials that you are going to need before setting off on your maiden voyage. My first bit of advice is to acquire in advance sufficient space to store all the "essentials"acquired before discovering that they are not really essential after all :D Yes, I am speaking from experience:sad

Seriously, welcome, ask all you want, you will find us a helpful and friendly bunch, join in, have a ball and look forward to finally getting your hands on it :D
Welcome John. What festivals are you thinking of? Might see you around :thumb. As @GrannyJen says, hang fire on the shopping list. I can easily flog you some of my 'essentials' once you're ready!
Welcome allong .
Hi John D, welcome here. It's a great place for advice, information, etc. oh, and passing the time while waiting for your Cali ;)
Ask away. I'm sure someone will know the answer.
Hi John, I'm in the same boat, placed my order two weeks ago and like you very keen to get a better idea of build/delivery dates. What spec / colour did you go for?

VW California Club
