Inverter Cable and Socket

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T5 SE 180
I bought a really useful inverter cable/socket combo from someone on this forum many years ago, but its looking a little ragged now due to use and age. So I thought I'd use some of the newly avaialble time to put together a new one based on the part numbers for the existing setup.

The original cable (with Euro connector) is an I-SHENG SP-021a but it seems they've stopped making them now. They are available on Ebay but mostly in used condition and expensive.

I've identified the following couple of items which I think are close to the original spec (2.5A/250V/13Amp fuse), but wondered whether there is anyone with electrical know how who could instil confidence that I'm not going to set the van alight when I wire it together and plug it in?

I bought a really useful inverter cable/socket combo from someone on this forum many years ago, but its looking a little ragged now due to use and age. So I thought I'd use some of the newly avaialble time to put together a new one based on the part numbers for the existing setup.

The original cable (with Euro connector) is an I-SHENG SP-021a but it seems they've stopped making them now. They are available on Ebay but mostly in used condition and expensive.

I've identified the following couple of items which I think are close to the original spec (2.5A/250V/13Amp fuse), but wondered whether there is anyone with electrical know how who could instil confidence that I'm not going to set the van alight when I wire it together and plug it in?

Yes, that would do. The larger 2 pin plug should fit the Inverter socket and you could then cut off the small plug and fit whichever socket you wish. Just remember the Inverter will only supply 150 watts of power, about 0.5 amps at 230v.
Disclaimer: I am not a PhD in electrics, but do a lot of electric stuff around the garage. It is still standing after 5 years.

So as I understand from your post you want to create an extension lead for the euro socket behind the passenger seat (rhd).

If that is the objective, then this combo will work. You will need to remove the connector on one side of the cable and then wire it into the socket from Farnell.

However, If you would like to have a multi purpose device, then go for the Inverter Adapter to UK 3 Pin + USB from the club shop. For 20 GBP, you will also get additional usb ports.
Thanks for the advice guys. I'll get to it.

I have used travel adapters in the past but much prefer to use the trailing socket type of setup. It just seems more robust.
Worth noting that the Europlug/socket is not the same size as the 2 pin shaver/toothbrush socket/plugs.
Thanks for the advice guys. I'll get to it.

I have used travel adapters in the past but much prefer to use the trailing socket type of setup. It just seems more robust.

I agree, I have a trailing socket arrangement and it avoids groping around on your hands and knees every time you want to plug something in.

BUT note that you need to disconnect the whole caboodle from the 'wall' when you've finished using it (eg at night) because AFAIK the inverter socket incorporates a switch and if the inverter is left on it will consume some power even without an appliance connected to it. (Although maybe an electrical grown-up can confirm that for me?).
I agree, I have a trailing socket arrangement and it avoids groping around on your hands and knees every time you want to plug something in.

BUT note that you need to disconnect the whole caboodle from the 'wall' when you've finished using it (eg at night) because AFAIK the inverter socket incorporates a switch and if the inverter is left on it will consume some power even without an appliance connected to it. (Although maybe an electrical grown-up can confirm that for me?).
Correct. As soon as a plug is inserted the Inverter fires up. As it is not efficient it generates heat and hence consumes power without anything being plugged in or switched on. If you only use it while on Mains, not a problem but if Not on Mains could be problematic.
Good advice. I always unplug the cable when not in use.

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