iPod Adaptor upgrade possible?



Hi. Quick question if anyone can help please.
Can my 2010 iPod Connector for RCD310 head unit be upgraded to use with latest lightning Apple Lightning connectors on iPhone 6 and latest iPod Touch?
If so, would it need a firmware upgrade?
Does anyone know pIease?
I have looked through forums but cannot find a specific answer.
(Background: I have had an April 2010 180SE Cali from new and it was fitted with the VW optional extra called 'iPod Adaptor'. Not Media Interface which salesman said at time was slow to start up with a large music collection. The iPod Adaptor still works well but with only with older generation iPods of which I have a few but all struggling nowadays. Can control tracks and some playlists through RCD310 head unit. Cannot see track info. Charges older iPods and with (eBay) adaptor later ones too but old 32 pin connector. I have tried a further 'bodge' of a 32 pin to lightning but no success. Charges but will not output sound even with adaptor which incorporates a jack pin. I have a very large music collection but also now download for off line from Deezer (like Spotify) so need to play through my iPhone (won't work) or iPod Touch (which is temperamental).
I could change the lead, change the 310 head unit (no sat nav but parking sensors etc), change the Cali for new one with more top to date MMI like my Audi but reluctant to as only 30k miles of brilliant camping to date).
Thanks in anticipation.
I have the RNS510 with the Media interface from new in 2010.

Now have an iphone7 with 80GB of music on it.

Have got an 'apple' connector/lead 32pin to lightning at £39.!!!..but it does work perfectly.
Thanks for your helpful replies, guys. I have ordered yet another 30 pin to Lightning adaptor. A genuine Apple one-I already have a pile of them. So fingers crossed this one may work.
Without getting into too much more detail, I already need an adaptor on the VW iPod Adaptor fitting in the Cali for some of the latest 30 pin iPods I use (I have a collection-some ancient now but still play in Cali via Radio) as the one attached to the van does not support charging on 'later' 30 pin iPods it seems. I also have a couple of 30 pin to Lightning adaptors which don't work. Cheap eBay stuff. I was hence wanting to just change the set up the Cali once and for all to a Lightning cable, ditch the old kit and buy more modern ipod(s) and also use/ play music/charge my phone 6s. I will see how things go. I may still need a visit to an audio specialist.....
Thanks again.
If you're thinking of changing the 310, consider an Alpine ilx700 or similar CarPlay unit. Retains parking sensor display (around £400 fitted) superb piece of kit provided you have a decent phone signal!
Hi again and thanks for your help. The iPhone 6s works with the Official 30 pin to Lightning Adaptor referred to above which I bought off eBay. (The new ones don't fit with a bumper case on). But I still need the 30 pin to 30 pin adaptor I already use too on the lead fitted by VW as the 30 pin is the earlier version of the Apple iPod 30 pin which only charges very early iPods. Sorted though....until I upgrade to the Alpine unit perhaps.....

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