is it just me !!

  • Thread starter inthemidnighthour
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VIP Member
T6.1 Ocean 199
Is it just me or am i missing something ,and being a bit thick , but alot of vehicles now on this site dont look anything like a California to me .Even the calendar seems to be a little off track with 5 pictures not looking like a California .

I am probably talking out of my nought as usual , but really selfishly dont want this site straying awaying from a California.

confused from Norwich

Dave and Lisa :crazy
The California name has been used on VW campers for 25 years, starting with the T3 (aka T25) in '88, the the T4 (1990-2003) and more recently the T5.

Westfalia built the California on the VW base for the T3 and T4 before VW used the name on the first campervan it has actually ever built. Westfalias were essentially the 'factory' VW camper, available via VW showrooms.

The T3 came as poptop and hightop.

The T4 California included SWB poptop and hightop (smurf and compact) and LWB hightop.

VW just stuck with the poptop for the latest incarnation. Not sure about Andrejz van, his is the only hightop T5 Cali I've ever seen.

It's a shame that there are no T3 calis in the calender, lovely looking vans.
Go Dan :clap

VW California Club
