Is the Cali Topper noisy?



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T5 SE 140
Just on the cusp of buying one and have read a few reviews that they flap around a little bit. I've got the pucer but am thinking of a full comfortz topper for peace of mind in foul weather. Any thoughts appreciated.
Just on the cusp of buying one and have read a few reviews that they flap around a little bit. I've got the pucer but am thinking of a full comfortz topper for peace of mind in foul weather. Any thoughts appreciated.
Yep, when it is a bit windy it can be a bit noisy. When we were in Outer Hebrides it was too loud that we ended up sleeping downstairs a couple of nights but the wind was strong . It definitely makes the pop top warm and dry when we had the leaky 04S bellows.
Just on the cusp of buying one and have read a few reviews that they flap around a little bit. I've got the pucer but am thinking of a full comfortz topper for peace of mind in foul weather. Any thoughts appreciated.
Why don't you look at a second skin inside.? No faff of putting it in place, always available when poptop open and keeps cool in summer and warm in winter?

Check out the braderup isotop.
We used our topper with our SE when it was cold and wet and had the kids up top. I recommend it. I also agree that it flaps no more than the bellows. However, think twice if you are also planning on solar panels. You will have to get creative if you want that combination.
Generally in terms of noise, it' very much like a tent but without being flappy.
Anything you put over the top is also a tent and the same for an inner. Flappy if the wind is strong enough.
All that said, I haven't found it too flappy or noisy in run of the mill stiff breezes. perhaps in a storm its a bit different and anything thats strong enough to be named then it would be roof down surely?
If you are thinking of buying solar panels for Cali .VANCABIN a Spanish company make a topper with clear top good price and quick delivery.
If you are thinking of buying solar panels for Cali .VANCABIN a Spanish company make a topper with clear top good price and quick delivery.
We have the VANCABIN topper, but no solar panels (yet). Used it a lot last october and november. If you have an awning than you can not use the velcro strip on one side of the Cali. You will need to buy buy elastic cord to keep the topper in place. The holes are pre made, the topper comes with two strips of velcro that fit the side rail. Good support from the company in Spain, very quick to reply to my questions.
It is made of the same fabric as lightweight tents and it moves and flaps a bit in the wind. It is big enough to fit over the roofdrain, keeps it dry and free of leaves and stuff. Very happy with it as it makes the van just a little bit warmer at night. We don't leave home without it now
Thanks all, food for thought.
Why don't you look at a second skin inside.? No faff of putting it in place, always available when poptop open and keeps cool in summer and warm in winter?

Check out the braderup isotop.
I'd considered it, I like the idea of keeping the bellows dry though.

We use the Pucer at the moment, just not sure if a topper adds a benefit.
If you are thinking of buying solar panels for Cali .VANCABIN a Spanish company make a topper with clear top good price and quick delivery.
I think I heard that the clear plastic might reduce the ability of the solar panels to convert the sunlight into power.
We've got one of the German versions (California Camping). We use it less frequently since fitting an isotop but since it packs away into the tailgate we keep it as a contingency for (very) rainy days. As others have said, it does behave like a tent in winds, but think generally if it gets to the point where there topper is flapping too much you're getting close to the point of needing to lower the roof anyway. Under normal conditions it's never been an issue & when we have been out in the wind any flapping has been from the awning rather than the topper. We have a bellows bungee and did ponder fitting this over the topper on windy days but never needed to.
That being said, an insulated topper will always be quieter, but obviously more bulky to store and probably 50% more expensive, especially if you specify the windows & vents.
We just use pucer cover. We had other versions but this is the easiest by far and is silent at night - we found others did flap about.
Edit: Apologies we have only tried the ones with bungee attachments - these flapped. The ones that fit behind scissor mechanism and just around the canvas look good.
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We use the Rainbow one. No “flap”.
Thanks all, food for thought.

I'd considered it, I like the idea of keeping the bellows dry though.

We use the Pucer at the moment, just not sure if a topper adds a benefit.
I would say probably not much but I’m a fan of the pucer which has a big advantage in that it doesn’t absorb any water as well as being very quick to deploy. I can imagine packing away and then drying a wet topper would be a pain.
I would say probably not much but I’m a fan of the pucer which has a big advantage in that it doesn’t absorb any water as well as being very quick to deploy. I can imagine packing away and then drying a wet topper would be a pain.
Yes, if you have to pack it away wet, it isn’t pleasant, but with two people holding it by the corners and giving it a good shake it is quite straightforward. Drying is best done by leaving it on the roof. Inevitably that sometimes means putting it back up wet just to dry it. If I had my time again I would consider a system that lines the inside of the bellows. However, I now have a 6.1 and it feels tighter putting the bellows away as it is.
If you want extra protection/insulation then if all depends on if you are able to dry the bellows at home before closing the roof for a week or so between trips.
No Drying at Home.
External topper or External wrap.
Drying available at home.
Internal insulation.
Thanks for all the thoughts, like everything it seems everything is a bit of a compromise. Maybe the latest cali should have solid sides somehow!
On reflection, I think I'll stick with the wrap rather than going full topper.
We're able to dry out at home if the bellows do have any dampness and the Pucer will keep the vast majority off anyhow.
Bear in mind that you still need to find somewhere to dry off the external topper if soaked, and that can be a bit of a pain!

I've got both. The original Comfortz insulation (now discontinued) still going strong(ish) which is permanently installed, and the German external topper with roof cut out for solars etc etc. I carry this everywhere, and I've always been able to put it on and take it off when needed single handedly. It attaches on both sides, and I've never noticed any flapping, even in the pretty bad persistent Mistral we experienced in Provence this September.
Bear in mind that you still need to find somewhere to dry off the external topper if soaked, and that can be a bit of a pain!

I've got both. The original Comfortz insulation (now discontinued) still going strong(ish) which is permanently installed, and the German external topper with roof cut out for solars etc etc. I carry this everywhere, and I've always been able to put it on and take it off when needed single handedly. It attaches on both sides, and I've never noticed any flapping, even in the pretty bad persistent Mistral we experienced in Provence this September.
I also have the Comfortz wrap and the old California Camping de topper (got for £40 on here 2nd hand) which I think is made from a thicker canvas type material so does not flap. I think the Comfortz topper is light weight material so flaps (On the plus side it packs up small). As already said they all have + & - .
The other thing to consider is if you are likely to use it in snow.
The full topper will help keep the scissors and gutters clear of snow and defrosted to a point, whereas the wrap or isotop still leaves them exposed.
The other thing to consider is if you are likely to use it in snow.
The full topper will help keep the scissors and gutters clear of snow and defrosted to a point, whereas the wrap or isotop still leaves them exposed.
Depending on the weather we wrap ours around the scissors.

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