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Is there increasing resistance against EV’s?

10 million people accessing east to west central London travel with a stop at the worlds 4th busiest airport for £15b.
Sounds cheap compared to HS2s £100b plus final build cost.
If rumours are true, final HS2 costs will be in excess of £135b. As one great said recently. “Let that sink in…”

You misrepresent the figures.

Crossrail £19bn for 26 miles of new track (mostly tunnel)

HS2 (Phase 1) £44bn for 140 miles of new track (mostly surface)

Crossrail £730m per mile
HS2 phase 1 £314m per mile

It looks like HS2 might come in at half the price of the Lizard Line per mile of new track.

spoken by a man who speaks the truth. keep up the fight neil
'convincing a generation of children that they are a plague upon the planet is unforgivable' Neil Oliver
Neil has always considered and given true answers to the deceit of our leaders in business and politics. He is an educated honest man. Edinburgh intends reducing car journeys by a third in a few years- Others will follow and then buy good boots.
Neil has always considered and given true answers to the deceit of our leaders in business and politics. He is an educated honest man. Edinburgh intends reducing car journeys by a third in a few years- Others will follow and then buy good boots.
he is probably monitored by the 77th brigade now
Well…… Neil Oliver is a bundle of joy and happiness! :eek::rolleyes:
Well…… Neil Oliver is a bundle of joy and happiness! :eek::rolleyes:
he is probably fed up of all the bull sh1t. he also makes very valid points
meanwhile back on transport, germany are introducing unlimited rail travel for £1.40 a day acccording to a news article (true or not ?) . if true you know who's paying for that ? thats right,thanks to privatisation,we are paying for it ! amazing
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“If terminated, HS2 will have cost some £8bn”
It’s much more than that already spent (£18bn in October, so…£20bn now?), never mind the cost of reinstating the places to their original condition.
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he is probably fed up of all the bull sh1t. he also makes very valid points
meanwhile back on transport, germany are introducing unlimited rail travel for £1.40 a day acccording to a news article (true or not ?) . if true you know who's paying for that ? thats right,thanks to privatisation,we are paying for it ! amazing
Last June July and august they introduced the 9€ ticket which allowed travel
on buses and trains anywhere you wanted to go, excluding the fast ICE trains.
From the 1st May this year they will introduce the 49€ (per month) ticket.

The 9€ one was a bit on the cheap side and not really sustainable whilst funding a war.
he is probably fed up of all the bull sh1t. he also makes very valid points
meanwhile back on transport, germany are introducing unlimited rail travel for £1.40 a day acccording to a news article (true or not ?) . if true you know who's paying for that ? thats right,thanks to privatisation,we are paying for it ! amazing
Do you mean this? ....

My current season-ticket to use the S-Bahn, U-Bahn, Busses and Trams in Munich to get to work (42km) costs me around €100 a month and is subsidized by my employer to the tune of around €50 a month.
You misrepresent the figures.

Crossrail £19bn for 26 miles of new track (mostly tunnel)

HS2 (Phase 1) £44bn for 140 miles of new track (mostly surface)

Crossrail £730m per mile
HS2 phase 1 £314m per mile

It looks like HS2 might come in at half the price of the Lizard Line per mile of new track.


That’s phase 1, then add on Phase 2a, then Phase 2b. Just keeping keep adding them up, your good at maths :thumb
“If terminated, HS2 will have cost some £8bn”
It’s much more than that already spent (£18bn in October, so…£20bn now?), never mind the cost of reinstating the places to their original condition.

HS2 can say phase 1 will cost £44b. But most understand it will be a lot more.
The original budget cost of HS2’s entire line was £30b ish.

This project could be down graded at a lower cost, whilst still improving capacity.
The Chinese rail company, said a few years ago, they could build HS2 in five years and at a lower cost. They must laugh their tits off at our incompetence…
HS2 can say phase 1 will cost £44b. But most understand it will be a lot more.
The original budget cost of HS2’s entire line was £30b ish.

This project could be down graded at a lower cost, whilst still improving capacity.
The Chinese rail company, said a few years ago, they could build HS2 in five years and at a lower cost. They must laugh their tits off at our incompetence…

Big infrastructure projects always face opposition initially, but once completed people are happy enough. Think of the furore of the “M11 extension” really just an upgrade of the A12 between the end of the A102(M) and M11, in the late 1990s. I wonder how many of the people who strung themselves from trees now happily use the link?

Earlier, back in the 1960 there was a plan for four concentric motorways around London: the Ringways. (Ringway 2 was to pass about 200 yards from my house, near the proposed interchange with the proposed A20(M)). The plan was scrapped in the 1970s (although Ringway 4 was built in the 80s as the M25). How many of those people opposing the scheme now complain about London’s traffic?

The Channel Tunnel
The Millennium Dome

They all faced stiff opposition, and are now accepted as part of our heritage.
HS2 can say phase 1 will cost £44b. But most understand it will be a lot more.
The original budget cost of HS2’s entire line was £30b ish.

This project could be down graded at a lower cost, whilst still improving capacity.
The Chinese rail company, said a few years ago, they could build HS2 in five years and at a lower cost. They must laugh their tits off at our incompetence…
In China they can just throw the Kulaks off the land and bulldoze any obstructions sans compensation, they also have scant regards for their toads/newts and assorted bats, probably.
Big infrastructure projects always face opposition initially, but once completed people are happy enough. Think of the furore of the “M11 extension” really just an upgrade of the A12 between the end of the A102(M) and M11, in the late 1990s. I wonder how many of the people who strung themselves from trees now happily use the link?

Earlier, back in the 1960 there was a plan for four concentric motorways around London: the Ringways. (Ringway 2 was to pass about 200 yards from my house, near the proposed interchange with the proposed A20(M)). The plan was scrapped in the 1970s (although Ringway 4 was built in the 80s as the M25). How many of those people opposing the scheme now complain about London’s traffic?

The Channel Tunnel
The Millennium Dome

They all faced stiff opposition, and are now accepted as part of our heritage.
Talking about people up in trees. I heard that Swampy died last week from a heart condition. He refused to let the surgeons give him a bypass :) :)
Why on earth do we resort to so much hostility pointing to the very worst cases?

Yes, so we may be heading towards a world of less car ownership. Where does this entitlement come from ..."I MUST have a car"? For 15 years of my life car ownership was the luxury of a rich minority., We managed. I managed. I used feet rather than fossil fuels.Yes we need an integrated and efficient public service network but let no one delude themselves, Yes that in the 1950's that existed. It was crap. We put up with crap and managed.

What is so wrong with EV's? I have one. I do not see it as a panacea for saving the world, they are too limited to replace what we have now in the circumstance that exists today where we all MUST (entitled?) to have a car. However they work for me, without me waving a great virtue signalling flag. They work for me because of my personal circumstance. To believe they will work for every car owner is total delusion.

Why do we so decry public investment in infrastructure? It soaks up a lot of unemployment, gets lots of people contributing towards it by paying taxes and allows us as as a nation work more efficiently. My tax burden is the lowest it has been since I first went to work in 1963. This country invented railways, we were the crucible of the Industrial Revolution, we used to be internationally renowned for our engineering expertise, do we really believe its todays efforts that make Britain so rich rather than that of our predecessors who invested so much in this country's infrastructure?

Above all, why do we believe today's status quo is so inviolate? Every adherence to status quo is an adherence to tomorrow's decay. Why can't we accept that tomorrow is going to be different to today and it is those with alternative opinions that represent the possible learning opportunity?
The last time I heard him talk about Covid he was half way to the full David Icke. But obviously as a lizard overlord, I would say that.
Do dig up the clip so we can judge. I'd bet money he's since been proven more right than wrong (as long as we are not relying on the BBC level fact checking).
Just imagine the investment that has gone into creating the supply chains and infrastructure to extract fossil fuels from the ground and deliver them them to homes and vehicles around the world - and what it might look like if we made the same investment in renewable energy?

We would be in a far better place from an energy perspective - so why continue to pour money into burning fossil fuels when we could be transitioning to something cleaner and more sustainable? ... It seems to me that some just want to stick their heads in the ground until the lights go out - a classic perspective that if it doesn't happen in my lifetime I don't care.

Ever wondered why the youth of today are disillusioned?

And anyone who thinks electric is boring ....

And anyone who thinks electric is boring ....
Really boring..
Electric supercars are something I cannot understand, yes they might
be very fast for a short time but they will end up in the same drawer as
my iPhone 1st generation, can't keep up with the updates and then the battery explodes
a bit, swelling, giving the appearance of a fat back.
They're barking up the wrong tree.
I'm not anti Ev, I would have a Tesla if I was forced to have one.
Laggards are not who Teslas care about so I can understand why they don't go down well on here.

We absolutely loved our M3 and MY will be probably be our next, enjoying the BMW I3s atm, lightyears behind on the tech, I mean it's comical how bag German software and UX is, pure s***, but it's a great run around and Anna loves it, and it's nice to hire it out and try to get more cars off the road and enthuse others.

If I had to go German again I'd have a Porsche Taycan, they are actually epic, but then so is the Plaid S, would be a tough choice if I had the cash to make it. It's going to be interesting to watch the GM/Ford, German and Japanese car industry shrink.
Tesla is a software company that builds cars, that’s why the build quality is quite poor. VW is car manufacturer that writes software, that’s why UX is poor.
Tesla is a software company that builds cars, that’s why the build quality is quite poor. VW is car manufacturer that writes software, that’s why UX is poor.
The Freemont cars (one of which I owned) wasn't up to the execution of the German standards, that is true, but it's not the case with Shanghai, Berlin and Texas built cars.

Tesla's drivetrain, battery and engineering execution is decades ahead and build quality is now on par, they are also the safest cars in the world.

I'm not a Musk or Tesla fanboi, I have experience of both Tesla and BMW EV ownership as well as many awful VW products such as the ID cars that we used on car sharing (the Cali is not one), again, talking from experience, not opinion.
Tesla is a software company that builds cars, that’s why the build quality is quite poor. VW is car manufacturer that writes software, that’s why UX is poor.
Would disagree based upon personal experience.

Quality of both Tesla and VW seems good overall.

Both get bad press from time to time. VAG once had a small issue with emissions, no one seemed to care, as we all still continue to buy their vehicles.