For more than three years I've been parking our Cali outside our grandchildren's primary school whilst I both drop off and pick them up. In all of that time I have adopted the best defensive parking position to reduce the risk of dents from other vehicles.
Incidentally, the standards of driving that some of these mums adopt when arriving and leaving is frightening. That's not intended to be a sexist comment. It's just that almost all of those dropping off kids are women and most of them are mums who always seem to be in a screaming hurry.
Today I was parked in a single space where the only way another car could park near was at right angles accross the rear. I had parked well forward in my space just incase someone, parked in the space behind, threw a door open wide. Unfortunately that is just what happened, when a small child smacked the back door of mum's old banger into my pristine tailgate. It shouldn't have been near enough to touch but due to her poor parking it brought it into range. The result is a small dent right on the lower crease line of the tailgate with some paint removed.
I actually saw it happen as I was returning to the vehicle. The mum concerned realised what had happened and grabbed the door to pull it away from the tailgate whilst looking around to see if anyone had noticed. She then got in her car and drove off.
Yes I know, it's one of those annoying but minor things that happens in life and it isn't a big issue in the big scheme of things but the question is what would you do next?
1. Take it on the chin and either except the dent as a permanent feature or have it repaired at your own expense?
2. As in 1 above but let the mum know that you know it was her little darling that had done it and that you had witnessed her behaviour?
Having been in this situation before I see very little to be gained from adopting option 2. On that previous occasion, a seemingly sweet little old granny let rip with a torrent of expletives when I showed her the damage she had just caused to my then brand new Golf, by opening a door into it after having just "parked" half way up a bank! She swore blind that I was just out to get her to pay for damage caused by someone else even though paint from her car was clearly present on mine and her door, when opened, lined up perfectly with the damage.
Also knowing the tight knit circles that these chattering mums move it, I'd probably not be doing myself any favours, especially if things turned nasty.
I suppose this thread is really an excercise in blowing off steam. I'm just more than a tad miffed at having my vehicle damaged. I don't blame the child as school children of this age group often don't have the strength or motor skills to control a car door. However I do blame the mother who parked badly, failed to control her child opening the door and then knowing what her offspring had done, drove off leaving me to either grit my teeth every time I see that dent or fork out for the repairs.
There, rant over.