Just a couple of thoughts



T5 SE 180
I'll start by saying great work on the new forum, there are certainly a lot of improvements. :clap

A couple of things spring to mind on reading through the forum today:

1) The search function is within each section, is it possible to put it at the top Board index to search all?

2) Reading a couple of posts on what to buy, additional extras. I just thought it would be good to flag them to re-read or come back to, is there any way to do this?

3) I've not been great at inserting photo's, within facebook if you publish a photo, you can then go back in a rotate an image or video. This would be great, where I've not been the best a posting a photo in the correct orientation.

As I said only a couple of thoughts, and what you've done since launch is fantastic. Keep up the good work. :thanks
Oh yes p.s. I would like to become a VIP member, but have found that you need a paypal account.

Is there any way to join without taking out a paypal account e.g. cash or credit card, as I had a paypal account before and someone hacked it, so not prepared to go down that route again.

Hi mark I'm afraid I can't help with your first points. To technical for me.
I can help you with VIP membership. If you go to the subscribe page just below the box where
You put in your PayPal details is a tab that says pay by credit or debit card. If you click it that will allow you to pay with one or the other. I am sure you won't need to join PayPal.
If you have any problems let me know via pm
Cheers calikev
Hi Mark, thanks for the feedback.

MKRW said:
1) The search function is within each section, is it possible to put it at the top Board index to search all?
This is a bug we are aware of and are trying to fix

2) Reading a couple of posts on what to buy, additional extras. I just thought it would be good to flag them to re-read or come back to, is there any way to do this?
Nice idea bit it would be difficult to integrate, we are however looking at creating some more useful PDF files for the download section as the handover check list has been very popular, maybe an essential accessory list for the Cali?

3) I've not been great at inserting photo's, within facebook if you publish a photo, you can then go back in a rotate an image or video. This would be great, where I've not been the best a posting a photo in the correct orientation.
This option is available when you upload a photo to the new gallery, you can even go back in and edit it.

As for Paypal you do not need to be a Paypal account holder to make a payment, you can also just enter your card details as you would at an online store, to do this click on Subscribe and then choose: Don’t have a PayPal account? Pay using your credit or debit card

Thanks again for the feedback

A small issue i have found having used the new website for a few days on various different systems ( PC, Mac & ipad) is that when viewing on my ipad the forum content comes up smaller than it used to on the left of the screen leaving a 2 inch gap down the right of the screen which means zooming in to get the forum full screen. this wouldnt be so annoying if you only needed to do it at the begining of each session but it needs to be done every time you view a different thread or page. Not a major issue but if its just a matter of changing a setting it may be worthwhile.
As I already said previously. Great work by you guys.
Hi Steve
We have noticed this I use an I pad and it is the same.
The guy we paid to design the new website/forum is unfortunately away for 10 days
Soon as he returns we will get him to look into it and any other issues people flag up.
Please bear with. :thumb
Martin said:
Hi Mark, thanks for the feedback.

MKRW said:
1) The search function is within each section, is it possible to put it at the top Board index to search all?
This is a bug we are aware of and are trying to fix

2) Reading a couple of posts on what to buy, additional extras. I just thought it would be good to flag them to re-read or come back to, is there any way to do this?
Nice idea bit it would be difficult to integrate, we are however looking at creating some more useful PDF files for the download section as the handover check list has been very popular, maybe an essential accessory list for the Cali?

Great idea... my lunch was at Go outdoors, so I just bought a new whistling kettle and toaster, so we'll be finding a sunny spot to enjoy them this weekend.
Would love a must have list / or options I think Ladder is the next followed by roof rack for the kayaks ;)

3) I've not been great at inserting photo's, within facebook if you publish a photo, you can then go back in a rotate an image or video. This would be great, where I've not been the best a posting a photo in the correct orientation.
This option is available when you upload a photo to the new gallery, you can even go back in and edit it.

Great. Will give it a try next time.

As for Paypal you do not need to be a Paypal account holder to make a payment, you can also just enter your card details as you would at an online store, to do this click on Subscribe and then choose: Don’t have a PayPal account? Pay using your credit or debit card

If that's the case I'll be joining tonight. :thanks

Thanks again for the feedback

Maybe let us know when you move posts and tell us why you've done so.

I'm a little irritated at having a post moved into a section never ever used for no apparent reason. I strongly believe it was in the correct one.

Or is there some moderator phobia of surfing? The Cali's original "job" was really as a surf mobile.

Apart from the few slightly snide comments from Californiaman and AndyandLiz, all is otherwise good.
KernowLad said:
Maybe let us know when you move posts and tell us why you've done so.

I'm a little irritated at having a post moved into a section never ever used for no apparent reason. I strongly believe it was in the correct one.

Or is there some moderator phobia of surfing? The Cali's original "job" was really as a surf mobile.

See my post in the Catch A Wave Section for Cali Surfers, Body Boarders, Surf Canoeist etc. :thumb



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