Khyam Awning


Alf 170

Guest User
Watched the khyam video and it looked like the ends of the awning was touching the sides of the van. Is that the case and does this cause rubbing of paintwork in winds?

Second piece, what do people do about the gap under the Cali to stop the draft - if indeed anyone does do anything about it?
This is the route we are planning. I can see your concern about the contact with the Cali and I'm not sure on that front. As far as drafts are concerned I imagine if it is that windy you would have the awning zipped up and the door closed leaving a "porch" between the two bits of kit. Thats the area we are intending putting a portapotti to save on night time trips across sites etc

Any comments on "rubbing"?
LickeyEndBlues said:
.....Thats the area we are intending putting a portapotti to save on night time trips across sites etc

Where do you get these pictures from? Genius! See myself as a student lol.
Alf 170 said:
Watched the khyam video and it looked like the ends of the awning was touching the sides of the van. Is that the case and does this cause rubbing of paintwork in winds?

Second piece, what do people do about the gap under the Cali to stop the draft - if indeed anyone does do anything about it?

(i) The sides do touch the van sides but it has had no effect on our van in 3 years

(ii) Most VW camper suppliers ie , JustKampers, sell a draft excluder here is the link ... 18852.html
Thanks, . And the draft skirt looks just the thing I'm after. :D
That looks ideal. Don't need anything too big just enough for us and the 3 hounds. If I remember rightly, I'd need the figure of eight connector and another bit to connect to the factory awning? And in the sale so Carole will like the 'bargain' bit lol! WE've got some flooring from the caravan awning so looks like an ideal solution.
Then you also need a karndon strip, this slides into the groove under the flap of your roll out awning, then you use 3 figure of eights to attach the karndon to the awning, I always roll out the awning about a foot and then reel back the awning to tension, this works really well, if you need any more info just let me know
THanks. Apologies or not replying earlier, went off grid for the week so no access to t'interweb.
Does anyone own the compact 300? i would be intrested to hear the size when packed away? Thanks

VW California Club
