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Leisure batteries voltage display on 6.1?



T6.1 Ocean 204
What’s the average voltage display on your 6.1 screens? I cannot get mine over 12.8 is this normal? Plus how long should they hold say 12.7 and above before needing to be re charged?
looks normal for me, higher voltage only during or just after charging. Display in our cali always shows -1A discharging, but I’m convinced this is faulty calibration, measured only 0,4A at the most with everything switched off.
If you have disconnected the charger and left it to rest then 12.8V after an hour or so sounds good. When actually on charge it should be over 13V. The charger will initially try to give a good charge up to over 14V then when charged settle to a bit over 13V.

If you are not using any power to drain it and you have charged fully it and it is sitting at 12.8V at rest after about an hour. From there I would expect the battery to stay at 12.7V or above for at least 2 weeks probably more.

When I first go my van it would drop from fully charged to 12.6 in a day and 12.4 in a week and 12.2 after 2 weeks. One of the batteries also felt hot to touch when charging. New batteries solved this and now it works as described above.
looks normal for me, higher voltage only during or just after charging. Display in our cali always shows -1A discharging, but I’m convinced this is faulty calibration, measured only 0,4A at the most with everything switched off.
Hi, if I may give you this extra info: the -1A discharging is not a faulty calibration; it can even go lower. That's just how it works in a t6.1: while driving, the dynamo disconnects and then the car uses also for a bit your household batteries. Sounds unbelievable but it is. Hence the minus. In other words, your household batteries do not always charge while driving. If you want to be able to charge them fully, set 'max. charge' while driving. You will see very different readings on your screen after driving for a while :thumb
Hi, if I may give you this extra info: the -1A discharging is not a faulty calibration; it can even go lower. That's just how it works in a t6.1: while driving, the dynamo disconnects and then the car uses also for a bit your household batteries. Sounds unbelievable but it is. Hence the minus. In other words, your household batteries do not always charge while driving. If you want to be able to charge them fully, set 'max. charge' while driving. AYou will see very different readings on your screen after driving for a while :thumb
I see other cali’s Reading 0A , our cali always -1A.
I see other cali’s Reading 0A , our cali always -1A.
Yes, under normal circumstances you have something like this: -1 or even more but 0 is also possible but if they are charge once in a time with the 'Max. charge' enabled, they will be fully charged and stay high for longer.
I see other cali’s Reading 0A , our cali always -1A.
Have you ever seen your Cali at 0A
Mine is always at -1A
And is frustrating.
I have nothing plugged in.
Due to meeting even stricter emission standards, the alternator switches off even more with the t6.1 and the batteries (car + household batteries) are poorly charged 'when necessary' and that up to a maximum of 80%. The car even uses household batteries (hence a minus for the number before the A). Therefore, occasionally use the maximum charging function during a ride and if you don't drive your Cali a lot (ours is also my daily vehicle), it is best to top up once a month with the cable (or apply the maximum charging function while the engine is running in neutral, also possible). If you get the message 'load please' or something, definitely do it because after ignoring the following message 'load immediately', the system may block and you may visit the dealer.
So take a ride with maximum charging and after a while you will be pleasantly surprised by the figure (without minus before) for the A ;)
Tip: If you camp, it is best to also install the camping mode because this disconnects the car from the camper area and saves the batteries (otherwise the car constantly monitors the entire vehicle and this consumes electricity / battery).
This and more I learned during a technical explanation in Campercentrum Amersfoort in the Netherlands. They know a lot about the california especially about the t6.1; this is actually a completely different vehicle due to the completely changed electrical installation; it was captivating :thumb
Just having the screen on is using something.
Just weird isn’t it.
I’m conducting major testing of all batteries.
Starting from Friday after a Max Charge for 50 minutes.
So assumed the batteries would be full.
I’m going to create a separate thread.
Tbh, I think my batteries are goosed.
Have you ever seen your Cali at 0A
Mine is always at -1A
And is frustrating.
I have nothing plugged in.
You do have something plugged in, the Control Panel screen.
Once the screen switches off/ standby then current draw will reduce.
The current draw of -1 amp.
is probably a lot less but the value may only be displayed in whole numbers, so -1 instead of -0.2 amps.
Have you ever seen your Cali at 0A
Mine is always at -1A
And is frustrating.
I have nothing plugged in.
never 0A on mine. But don't bother, the others show maybe 0A while it is actually 0,5A.. and ours is 0,6A .I guess it is just not accurate enough and rounded to the nearest whole number.
Just weird isn’t it.
I’m conducting major testing of all batteries.
Starting from Friday after a Max Charge for 50 minutes.
So assumed the batteries would be full.
I’m going to create a separate thread.
Tbh, I think my batteries are goosed.
I guess not but I’ll read about it in the separate thread; just know the screen gives you current information and changes regularly during camping and driving. Just test it during a trip and you will see that your batteries are probably no different than any other cali's t6.1 with the over complicated screen ;)
The screen consumes about the same amount as the previous screen but now shows this, it is mainly the car with the constant monitoring of all electronics that consumes constantly electricity (also from the household batteries).
You do have something plugged in, the Control Panel screen.
Once the screen switches off/ standby then current draw will reduce.
The current draw of -1 amp.
is probably a lot less but the value may only be displayed in whole numbers, so -1 instead of -0.2 amps.
Always showed 0A in my MY20 T6.1 Ocean.
I pulled the 4 fuses under the knee fuse box, 2x30a & 2x25a but the control panel was still on.
Then the fridge kicked in and amps went to -4.
Have closed all the doors and left window open.
Used a stick to switch on, and it still shows -1
Put fuses back in.
Ignition on, then off. Still -1
never 0A on mine. But don't bother, the others show maybe 0A while it is actually 0,5A.. and ours is 0,6A .I guess it is just not accurate enough and rounded to the nearest whole number.
You could be right... No knowledge from VW about it
I guess not but I’ll read about it in the separate thread; just know the screen gives you current information and changes regularly during camping and driving. Just test it during a trip and you will see that your batteries are probably no different than any other cali's t6.1 with the over complicated screen ;)
The screen consumes about the same amount as the previous screen but now shows this, it is mainly the car with the constant monitoring of all electronics that consumes constantly electricity (also from the household batteries).
Lol Household batteries, expand on that please :)
Lol Household batteries, expand on that please :)
Don’t understand what you mean but I’ll try: the car has one and than there are the ‘other’ batteries: household is just a translation of how we call them in Flinders, Belgium. I’ll try to use leisure batteries next time but sometimes I use google translate and get this.
With the old screen, nobody bothered because it didn’t show. Now, some think there’s something wrong: if they work, there fine: test them when camping and off course don’t forget the max. loading function.
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Don’t understand what you mean but I’ll try: the car has one and than there are the ‘other’ batteries: household is just a translation of how we call them in Flinders, Belgium. I’ll try to use leisure batteries next time but sometimes I use google translate and get this.
With the old screen, nobody bothered because it didn’t show. Now, some think there’s something wrong: if they work, there fine: test them when camping and off course don’t forget the max. loading function.
Aha! Yes the translation for me didn’t work.
Household is different to vehicle camping batterys.
Household would make me think of something to use in the house, like small useless batterys!
With regard to max charge, yes, I know about it. In the T5 & 6 using aircon or low heat seat would charge to 100% the x2 camping batterys.
So if I drive with a 6.1 and aircon on/ or low heated seat on, you might assume the same thing. But no.
Max charge is the correct way to fully charge to 100% the “camping” batterys.
Have a great Sunday :thumb
Aha! Yes the translation for me didn’t work.
Household is different to vehicle camping batterys.
Household would make me think of something to use in the house, like small useless batterys!
With regard to max charge, yes, I know about it. In the T5 & 6 using aircon or low heat seat would charge to 100% the x2 camping batterys.
So if I drive with a 6.1 and aircon on/ or low heated seat on, you might assume the same thing. But no.
Max charge is the correct way to fully charge to 100% the “camping” batterys.
Have a great Sunday :thumb
Yes, max. charge will load them to the full 100%.
The t6.1 is in fact a different vehicle then the ones before regarding the complete other electrical system. Better system? Don’t know but the t6 also uses electricity and doesn’t charge to the full and has no max. charge function, so that is :thumb
For you too a great Sunday.
Developing out of this useful string (thanks all) I have more recently in my now 7 month ownership almost always connected EHU after I have been out. My thinking being that, with the 80% on the road norm, to use EHU when not in use to top up to 100% on all 3 batteries (given charging time required, leisure benefitting first then starter), is better for battery longevity.

I am basing this on an apparently knowledgeable post a while back where lead and lithium batteries were compared: lithium lasting longest stored at around 80% standing charge whilst lead are best preserved at 100%.

Would the experts here agree?

If I did not have a secure off road parking with adjacent power, I am sure I would then adopt the @calibusje & Campercentrum suggestion of using max change occasionally (even regularly).