Looking forward to a new to us Camper.



T4 Hightop
Hello everyone,
My name is Paul and my wife Shawn and I have purchased a 94 T4 Cali coach hightop. It is waiting for us in Amsterdam. We have owned a 85 vanagon westfalia here in Colorado for the last 25 years and are excited to start a new adventure with our soon to be new home in Europe. I will be asking some questions about fitting a solar panel in the T4 forum and I am sure I will get some great advice. Thanks in advance.
Welcome - another Paul.
Plenty of information about Solar Panels and Roger Donoghue who owns this firm www.solarcampersolutions.co.uk is a Trade Member on this Forum and very knowledgeable.

Some light reading


Although some of this info is for the T5/T6 Roger does self fit kits for the T4 and can certainly answer any technical questions.
Hi and welcome Paul , where in Europe wil you be living? The Netherlands?
Shame you move over , we don't got that many American members here....could well be just you ....
Just joking , Europe is nice , come over and explore it with your Cali:thumb
Seen you other post regarding the solar panel , can't help you but sure some others here will jump in to give intel.

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