I'm new here and my T6 Beach is on order, which is something that would have been very much more difficult without the information and guidance from members of this forum. I am therefore very grateful and will be spending a lot of time here. However, I do have a few thoughts...
Yes, I think people here can be a bit prickly
occasionally and it seems to stem from defensiveness i.e. some peoples disinclination to let bold or disagreeable comments slide. In my experience, on other forums, it tends not to be the initial comment/opinion that sets a nasty tone in motion, but the initial 'bite' from someone who feels threatened/offended and then sets about chastising the 'perpetrator'. If we don't bite, then there won't be a fight. Pretty simple really. If we take it one step further and consider trolling (which I do not think is present here on this forum), we all know that you 'don't feed the troll'. IMO the same principle holds true.
The Beach vs Ocean thread is the first example where I have seen clear tetchiness. The issue of which is 'better' will not be definitively resolved, because it is not just a question of utility and circumstances. It is also a matter of subjective opinion and opinions are enormously varied and often for reasons we cannot comprehend. Just by expressing an honest opinion, it is all too easy to make someone else uncomfortable if they are prone to taking offence. When we consider the limitations of brief text-based interactions, the scope for upset increases further.
Personally, I think it is important for us to work at not being offended if we want a pleasant community, rather than always pointing the finger at the person who said the thing that we don't like. In short, its about 'getting over ourselves'.
Take art as an example: Invite your friend to give you an honest 'warts and all' opinion about your favourite piece of art on your wall and ask yourself how you would feel if someone said, "I find it pretty ugly if I am honest and I'm not sure I can see what you like about it." If you can't hear that without getting upset, who needs to reflect upon the exchange most?
If you want to see how bad forums can get, just read some forum threads on 'Canon vs. Nikon'