


How useful are the front and rear mud flaps? Not sure if they are necessary, just thinking about my options for a new California. Any feedback would be great. Thanks Gail
To be honest the rear mud flaps sit back and bolted through the bumper and so look slightly commercial,but i wanted them as i live on an unmade road and very muddy etc .....
if your not sure they can be put on at any point as an easy accessory :thumb
If they are factory ordered they are different and look nicer. Either way they make a huge difference to keeping clean.
And they are a lot cheaper to order from the factory than to fit afterwards. They do make a big difference to keeping the vehicle clean, and are well worth the money :thumb
Getting mine on today. They will also protect the bar at the front from stone chips. I am getting a lot of road spatter up the sides at the back that I hate. The key here is to make sure you order the "from factory" mud flaps and not the "after factory" flaps as the "after" ones do screw into the bumper, and it looks terrible. The screw rust really quickly also and I saw a couple of near new Kombies with these and they look horrible.
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Fitted min today (ironically, it has been too wet to fit them in the last few weeks ). VW aftermarket ones and don't look too bad. They bolt through holes drilled under the bumper so the fit looks clean. If anyone else fits them, make sure the plates/brackets line up 1st-this will save stress and swearing about German engineering...

My rear flaps were factory fitted before I bought the wagon.
I think they're excellent except for the fact that I constantly rip them off when reversing over low kerbs.
Well I've done it three times: only the near side, actually.
I now only park nose in.
We have the same problem with my wife's BM although that's probably because it's got lowered suspension and wide back wheels/tyres.
Maybe we should be more careful.

On both cars, though, they definitely reduce the dirt coming up from the rear tyres onto the body and I think they're worth it.
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Agreed and don't cover the tyres in tyre dressing as that flies up the side as well. Well, on my 275/40/20 it does anyway.

VW California Club
