Navigation and wifi



T6.1 Ocean 150
Stop navigation and WiFi connect.

For the life of me I cannot see anything that allows me stop navigation mid way through a route

Secondly my phone connects to the on-board WiFi everything despite me switching off auto connect. Any ideas p.ease

Vw ocean 6.1 March 21
Android Samsung s10e latest update
Which satnav do you have fitted?

Why do you want to avoid connecting the Wi-Fi? And is it never connect you want or just don’t connect this time?
If it’s a big problem why not just turn off Wi-Fi on the phone?
Stop navigation and WiFi connect.

For the life of me I cannot see anything that allows me stop navigation mid way through a route

Secondly my phone connects to the on-board WiFi everything despite me switching off auto connect. Any ideas p.ease

Vw ocean 6.1 March 21
Android Samsung s10e latest update
To cancel navigation on basic Discover Navigation (may not be same for Pro), select the icon in the bottom right corner of the screen with 3 horizontal lines. The cancel option is then in the middle at the bottom of the options that appear.
You can also press the flag icon to stop…

Stop navigation and WiFi connect.

For the life of me I cannot see anything that allows me stop navigation mid way through a route

Secondly my phone connects to the on-board WiFi everything despite me switching off auto connect. Any ideas p.ease

Vw ocean 6.1 March 21
Android Samsung s10e latest update

If you have connected your phone to use Apple car play it will establish a Wi-fi connection to the phone to do that even if you’re not actually using it. If you switch the phone connection settings back to just Bluetooth hands free it won’t connect the Wi-fi unless you are using the hotspot.
Which satnav do you have fitted?

Why do you want to avoid connecting the Wi-Fi? And is it never connect you want or just don’t connect this time?
If it’s a big problem why not just turn off Wi-Fi on the phone?
I need the WiFi for my dashcam, however the phone automatically connects to vw despite turning off auto connect.

VW California Club
