New cali:cleaning/filling water tank


Diana M

T6 Ocean 150
We have a new Ocean (3 weeks old) and are really excited about it. We have spent one overnight so far and off on a longer trip too soon. I would like some advice about cleaning/preparing the water tank prior to filling and general maintenance often you tend to clean/flush it between trips. I'm sure someone has probably already asked this question but i couldn't see a way to search the Forum posts. Apologies from a newbie but any advice gratefully received! Thanks
We have a new Ocean (3 weeks old) and are really excited about it. We have spent one overnight so far and off on a longer trip too soon. I would like some advice about cleaning/preparing the water tank prior to filling and general maintenance often you tend to clean/flush it between trips. I'm sure someone has probably already asked this question but i couldn't see a way to search the Forum posts. Apologies from a newbie but any advice gratefully received! Thanks

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Most people tend to use Milton or equivalent. Follow the directions for dilution. Fill tank and run the tap. Go for a drive. On return empty tank and refill with fresh water and run tap for 2 minutes. Empty tank and repeat with fresh water. Now you can fill tank for your trip.

I do this Once/year. BUT I use this for every tank, as sold in Forum Shop, but then unlike some we drink/ use the water in the tank.
One of the few things I've seen in this forum that I feel well placed to comment on!

I work for a water company and in the treatment area for drinking water, I'm not overly fussy but would only ever use the tap inside for washing up/washing hands and for tea/coffee (boiled before drinking). Not saying any harm would be done but in warm conditions especially, the water would soon become undesirable to consume as drinking water.

Personally I'll be taking a separate supply for drinking or just use out of the tap at sites.

Just need to make sure the tank is drained after use to avoid water sitting too long as also not good.

Milton etc will work but so much faff as opposed to having a container you can clean properly for just drinking water.

Just a personal view....
Welcome on your first post .
As above some useful info can be found on the forum as not much is unwritten here.

In general if you always fill up with clean water , and leave no water in the tank when not in use for longer periode you don't need to clean your tank that frequent .
Fill up at home from the house tap using a "only for Cali" waterhose or a bucket and flunnel (as i do)
Drain the leftover water afther each trip on you return .
When on a trip use the tap in the washingroom at campsite to fill up with a bucket ...NEVER use waterhoses provided at campsite or aires would not belive how many camperowners just use thatone to clean theire portable toilet and stick it in the toilet to flush it....then the nextone hangs it in his freshwatertank.....not me!

We don't drink the water but use for coocking and washing up /brushing teeth .
Thanks so much for your helpful replies. Very useful info, including the warning against using campsite hoses! I'm also finding out what a great Forum and community this is so will be here again i'm sure :)
Thanks so much for your helpful replies. Very useful info, including the warning against using campsite hoses! I'm also finding out what a great Forum and community this is so will be here again i'm sure :)
It is an amazing group....with a diversity of ideas. I have learnt loads.

I use my own hose
Always empty before filling, and fill, on tour about every 5 days
And I do drink it....and far ( such a silly thing to say..asking for trouble)
But I have never had a problem..i.e. Diarrhoea.

I have only been in UK, France and Spain , but have been in the summer 37 degree heat...
I drink from the van tap all of the time, including today. I’m a fell runner so it’s invaluable. Never had a problem.

My alternative would be sports drinks bottles filled with the same water.

It’s just a food grade plastic tank with same grade pipes and fittings. Make sure what you put in is clean and you are ok. As others say the hose is perhaps biggest risk.

I always empty the tank before topping up and it is an every day drive.

The other risk is stale water especially over the winter. I empty in about November and when refilling at the end of winter use katadyn from club shop, after a few fills and drains, including running water through the tap.

High risk individuals, babies, pregnant ladies and similar need to be more careful.

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Most people tend to use Milton or equivalent. Follow the directions for dilution. Fill tank and run the tap. Go for a drive. On return empty tank and refill with fresh water and run tap for 2 minutes. Empty tank and repeat with fresh water. Now you can fill tank for your trip.

I do this Once/year. BUT I use this for every tank, as sold in Forum Shop, but then unlike some we drink/ use the water in the tank.
Interesting thanks! Do you think this is necessary on a brand new van?
Interesting thanks! Do you think this is necessary on a brand new van?
Hi, firstly I’d draw your notice to the postcode you have in your Avatar profile…. you might want to update to a more generic location? Just hit your avatar and go in your account.

On water - it’s really your preference and how you feel about the potential for bugs etc. My own view - I wouldn’t keep the same water in an unsterilised drinking bottle for a couple of months. If it were sterile, then maybe for a few weeks? So we empty and refresh the water every major trip, and use Milton at the start of the season, and every few months during the season. I don’t like using too much chemical as it can attack metals and rubber seals. We also completely drain the tank and tubes during the winter. We’ve done this from new.
Been a while since the last “just-fill-it-from-the-f*****g-hose-pipe” punch up!
Interesting thanks! Do you think this is necessary on a brand new van?
It is personal choice. I just filled mine up and run through the tap and then empty it.
Been a while since the last “just-fill-it-from-the-f*****g-hose-pipe” punch up!
I just use a bit of old lead piping these days. after reading some of the views in the previous lively discussion’s, that PVC hose stuff looks far too dangerous.
Interesting thanks! Do you think this is necessary on a brand new van?
I clean mine once a year. I now use a liquid cleaner as I suspect a powder cleaner broke my last water pump.
At the end of a trip or a few days after I drain the tank so water isn’t sat there a long time.
I tend to agree that uk water is very safe with additives and the tank isn’t in sunlight where algae or bacteria is likely to grow.

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