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New to this .... festival advice needed



T5 SE 180
Hi, we picked up our Cali a week ago and would love to 'do a festival' this year. We have two children aged 3 and 8 and someone recommended Camp Bestival to us. This looks fabulous for the kids, food and the line up. I will admit, however, I was a little scared when I saw a photo of the campervan field and saw how many vans were crammed in. Are campervan fields at festivals all like this and if so, how does it work out? Or could anyone suggest another family friendly festival altogether?

Thank you
We are going to Womad which is quite family friendly I think, but it will be our first time with the Cali. I got the impression that camper vans have to be spaced at a certain minimum distance to comply with regulations, but could be wrong. (As opposed to tents where every sq ft gets taken)
We did Latitude a couple of years ago and that was good for the kids. The site is tightly packed but they space you well enough. We were in a bigger camper at the time but saw plenty of cali's some with their awning wound out.
Only thing I will say is get there as early as you can, because if it's rained you don't won't to get stuck in the mud like the late arrivals.
Look for the Just so festival for the kids, that's a good one, no bands just stuff for the kids.
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Seems variable, we do the Larmer Tree and I'll be getting there early to set up and its not usually too ram packed but last years Beautiful Days, where we were in a tent, and the cmapervan field looked pretty full. I does seem to favour those who get there early however and can find the space to put up awnings etc but its no Caravan Club site for sure even if the organisers do have limits on numbers. The Larmer Tree festival would be an excellent venue for kids, its very family friendly.
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We thought about stopping at Leeds festival, would love to hunt down my teenage girls and mates and watch their faces when Mum and Dad turn up to join in the fun. They would be horrified.
Definitely go for it - festivals are great with a camper van, and your children will love it. I've never been to Camp Bestival but it seems to be highly recommended for families.

The campsites are always rudimentary compared to proper ones; just a field with the vans in tight rows, some portaloos, and a water supply. But it's not a normal camping trip and you won't be hanging out at your van very much.

We have done Glastonbury many times and you get a 7m wide space, which is enough for the van and an awning. We find the awning useful for some extra privacy, for getting muddy boots off and hanging up wet clothing.

Knowing you have the comfort of the van available at any time is really valuable especially with small children. When our daughter was young we would go back to the van mid-afternoon so she could have a nap before returning to the festival site for the evening.
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We have done Glastonbury many times and you get a 7m wide space, which is enough for the van and an awning. We find the awning useful for some extra privacy, for getting muddy boots off and hanging up wet clothing.


we are going to glasto this year in the Cali but we are a bit worried about the mud in and out, are they more geared up now for this?
we are going to glasto this year in the Cali but we are a bit worried about the mud in and out, are they more geared up now for this?
I've never had a problem myself getting in and out, though I have seen a few vans get stuck. You just need to take it slowly and avoid any obviously flooded areas. They do get a tractor out fairly quickly for the unlucky ones.
Hi, we picked up our Cali a week ago and would love to 'do a festival' this year. We have two children aged 3 and 8 and someone recommended Camp Bestival to us. This looks fabulous for the kids, food and the line up. I will admit, however, I was a little scared when I saw a photo of the campervan field and saw how many vans were crammed in. Are campervan fields at festivals all like this and if so, how does it work out? Or could anyone suggest another family friendly festival altogether?

Thank you

Hi Ajs

The short and simple answer to this is - 'GO FOR IT'!

We've been attending Festivals using Motorhomes & Campervans over the last ten years. We've grown particularly fond of Green Man, Latitude and more recently Festival No.6. Personally, I'd say, if you're going with children, I'd aim for the more family friendly festivals. I can't speak for Camp Bestival, but definitely both Green Man and Latitude tick those boxes.

I would forewarn you that, compared to using your van when travelling and on holiday, you'll certainly feel a lot more crammed in, but pretty much all of them provide you a space of your own. We usually find it's sufficient to park the van, plus put up an awning. We usually always end up getting to know our neighbours by the end of the weekend and usually compare notes with who and what we're planning to see. Loos and showers are also pretty basic, as I guess you might expect, but it's just part of the festival ritual I guess.

Last year at Green Man, we were parked next to a retired couple who turned up with their Caravan. It was their first ever festival experience. They loved every minute of it. Their only regret was they hadn't tried it many years earlier!

For the record, this year will be our first festivals in our new Cali. We can't wait!!

Take it easy :thumb
Thanks everyone, I'm sold on it ... just to convince the husband!

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