Noise like a bag of spanners!



VIP Member
T5 SE 140
Hi All
The roads near us are not great, pretty uneven. Leaving home earlier today there was a loud noise coming from what sounded like underneath the rear of the Cali. Like a bag of spanners jangling or metal poles. I stopped and looked underneath. Nothing obviously loose. Sound disappeared when we hit smoother tarmac.
Any ideas on what it might be? We were travelling pretty light so nothing really in the van to make a similar noise.
Is the spare wheel still there?
It is Colin, yes. That was my immediate thought, a loose wheel cage, but seems tight enough
Was thinking maybe it had been pinched and they had loosely done up the carrier.

The tools in the box behind the seat used to rattle until I put packing around them, might be worth checking those out?

Also check the rear coil springs, one went previously as you know (offside I think) and I didn't even realise until it went in for service and they told me.

Funnily enough I found a piece of coil spring on while out walking the other day, don't know what car it was off but I believe it is a common occurrence these days.
Do you have an awning? Check it is done up tight...
Thanks all. Back from our trip now so I'll check out these options
Check the exhaust system and the heat deflector panels.
Check you don’t have a broken spring on suspension, rear especially.

Just checked and this post is from 2015 !
I presume he’s fixed it by now Lol

VW California Club
