
You do have rear blinds you can put down.View attachment 33126 View attachment 33125 View attachment 33124 View attachment 33123 At last, our first chance to test out our new purchase. We chose a Caravan and Motorhome Club site near Battle in East Sussex. And a mighty fine site it was too. We stayed for just one night but learnt such a lot about the whole California experience. It rained all day, but it didn't dampen our love and affection for the grey 'beast'. At times we realised that things that were stored in the back should be in the front. No dirty shoes inside meant that some amazing balletic sequences were performed- no wonder my wife is after a retro fit 'limo' tint. I couldn't try out the Cadac outdoor cooking, or the awning because of the rain so the cabin took the eau de bacon hit. A steak and salad (without the salad which was left at home) dinner washed down with a decent Malbec completed the day. Amazing.
We use these. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/500-Disp...hash=item4673536e6e:m:mEjQOjridctJXWmttGAoZ8QKeep some newspapers in the under Seat drawer in case you need to get in the van with dirty boots on!
Only a month!?Great ideas, thanks.
We read this forum for about a month before buying. Now I can see why there were posts about what to use for a rubbish bin, where to hang coats, where to put the fire extinguisher and so on. Small details and none of them insurmountable, but with a little ingenuity everything runs more smoothly. Roll on the next adventure.
Thanks.. all good to know for future friend visits etcNormanhurst, the Caravan and Motorhome Club site was really very good. The wash blocks were immaculately clean. The people were very friendly, and we will certainly return for a longer stay. There is a nice stroll to The White Hart pub in Catsfield along a bridle path. In short, everything we needed to test our new pride and joy.
The VW California Club is the worlds largest resource for all owners and enthusiasts of VW California campervans.